In the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina here in New Orleans, a friend asked me to post this message that had appeared in one of our past newsletters.
Having walked and served the Lord Jesus now for many years, I have heard many things said concerning God’s dealings with His servants.
One of the things that never really set too well with me was the statement, “There are only a few people that God could trust as millionaires.” This was usually said by a millionaire preacher on television wearing a $2000 suit and flying around the country in a Lear Jet that the poor untrustworthy television viewers paid for!
I do not believe that it takes a whole lot of character or even morality to be a millionaire— that’s easy. You can see wealthy people everywhere in our society– Hollywood, Professional Sports, Corporate America, Lotto Winners, etc and none of those areas had the prerequisite of trusting in Jesus!
Many times the “Church” gauges a person’s spirituality or right standing with God by their “measurable success.” Ministers (myself being one) are often the worst perpetrators of this fallacy.
“Oh, he has written a book and is well known. God must truly smile on him.” (or) “He has a mega-church and a TV ministry, he must be God’s Man.” (or even) “You can see the favor of God in his life. He never has a struggle!”
While all of these things may appear to be indicators of God’s favor and stamp of approval on a minister, ministry or individual, I feel that there is something else that God utilizes to reveal the heart, faith and character of those He would use as catalyst in these Last Days: Those who can be trusted in the trial.
“Have you considered My servant Job”, God asked of Satan who retorted, “You (have) put a hedge around him and his household and everything he has? You have blessed the work of his hands...But stretch out your hand and strike everything he has, and he will surely curse you to your face."
God responded (pp), “Everything that he possess I will allow you to take– except his life.”
Now, honestly, how many of us would want God to put us in such a situation? Within a short amount of time, everything that Job had was taken from him– his wealth, his home, his flocks, and even his family.
He would be smitten with sores and – yet Job 2:9-10 says,
“His wife said to him, Are you still holding on to your integrity? Curse God and die! He replied, You are talking like a foolish woman. Shall we accept good from God, and not trouble? In all this, Job did not sin in what he said.”
He would later add, “Though He slay me, yet will I trust in Him (God).”
Could God have trusted you in that trial? Would you have endured and glorified His Holy name or would you have shaken your fist at heaven and cried out, “Where were you when I needed you God!”
Because John 16:33 assures each of us that “In this world you will have tribulation,” the Lord Jesus is looking for those that will endure through those times of trials and tribulations and exalt His name in them.
When Peter was beaten for refusing to cease his preaching of the Gospel he “rejoiced that he was counted worthy to suffer shame for the name of Christ.”
Peter could be trusted with the trial.
Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego could also be trusted with the trial as they were tossed into the fiery furnace!
The Word of God is full of individuals who went through extreme times of difficulty– physically, financially, circumstantially, etc only to glorify the Lord in the midst of their trials. These are the type of people that He is looking for now!
Some of you have been facing great and mighty mountains and have wondered if you have somehow “lost favor with God.”
Let me tell you this, God will never put more on you than you will be able to bear. When things seem impossible– rejoice, that like Job and those that proved “true through their trials,” that He sees something in you worth Glorifying His name in!
“But rejoice that you participate in the sufferings of Christ, so that you may be overjoyed when his glory is revealed.” 1 Peter 4:13
Friday, November 25, 2005
Can you be the trials?
Posted by
1:13 AM
Monday, November 21, 2005
"Why China is experiencing Revival and the USA is not"

Posted by
9:20 PM
Sunday, November 20, 2005
"What happens when you are Born again?"
When I was eighteen years old, I truly discovered what it meant to be “Born Again.” Up to that point I had heard and done a lot of religious things and most of the people around me (even church leaders) would have said that I was “saved,”
I knew in my heart that I was had no Biblical relationship with God apart from knowing the vernacular and having walked an isle, cried a tear, repeated a prayer and getting dipped in a tank!
But the time came when dead, tired religion just was not good enough for me anymore and I determined in my heart to truly repent and believe the Gospel. I think many people may find themselves in a similar situation and not know exactly what to do. Consider this:
I want to deal with the THREE primary CHANGES that take place in a person’s life when they are TRULY Born again.
#1. There is a change in IDENTITY:
Identity is the condition, state or fact whereby a person is specifically recognized by.
When I was a "lost" person, that is, when I was without Christ and without hope–there were very specific characteristics present in my life that identifies who I was.
- My conversation described who I was
- My company described who I was
- My attitude described who I was
- My thoughts described who I was
- My priorities described who I was
- My appearance even described who I was
2 Cor 5:17

Creation (or creature in the KJV) can be defined as "a new foundation or building." That is you are changed from the very ground up!
You have a new Identity!
Within law enforcement– there is something that is called "The Witness Protection Plan." wherein a person can decide to testify against a major criminal and in turn be given a new identity–they cease to be known as who they were and have now been put in a safe environment and given the chance to live a new life on the right side of the law–
Through salvation, we too have been invited into the "Witness Protection Plan"
By choosing to serve God–we have testified against "Public Enemy Number One" and have been given a new name, a new home, a clean record and have been put on the right side of God’s law and outside the reach of this adversary the devil.
Col 1:21-23

Before you come to Christ–you are identified as an Enemy of the Gospel!—but once one accepts the salvation brought and bought through Christ Jesus–we are free from accusation!
But the greatest CHANGE IN IDENTITY is not in how the world or those around us perceive us—but the CHANGE IN IDENTITY AS TO HOW GOD SEES US!
Rom 8:14-17

With the change of identity—you move from enemies of God to the sons and daughters of God!
This is the one point that I wish people could truly get a hold of—that God has claimed you for His own inheritance!
Luke 11:9-13

With your change of Identity comes the blessed provision as provided through the reconcilliation back to the Father.
AFTER THIS, one has a....
#2. Change of DESTINY:
Rom 8:28-34

2 Tim 1:7-10

When you get saved—something is set in motion that will forever alter the course of your life—it is called Destiny (a course of events designed by God to deliver you into His perfect will)
The One who wrote the forward is the One who writes the epilogue as well! How is it that this can be? He sees EVERYTHING IN THE NOW! He is not limited in His knowing by the ticking away of seconds upon a clock. He sees BOTH your beginning and your ending RIGHT NOW in HIS omniscience AND He is designing a DESTINY with that in mind!
Then comes a...
#3 Change in RESPONSIBILITY (compound noun-derived from two words)
Response is a "reply"
Ability is the state of being able or competent
So when you get saved—you are given the ability to reply competently and act in accordance with your new state of condition.
Eph 2:8-10

1 Cor 10:13

You now have the ability to respond righteously to every situation that you may be confronted with. Your BORN-AGAIN nature is designed to make the right decisions based upon the moral compunction that comes with having the Holy Spirit take up residence in your heart and life. YOU have the power through the Spirit of God and through resisting the adversary to overcome ANY circumstance that the adversary might present to you.
What happened when you were Born Again? The miraculous happened. Don’t forget it
Posted by
12:05 AM
Friday, November 18, 2005
"Who is YOUR Jesus anyway?" Part 1

Posted by
7:00 PM
Tuesday, November 15, 2005
Trouble Makers
John 5:1-9 After this there was a feast of the Jews, and Jesus went up to Jerusalem. 2 Now there is in Jerusalem by the Sheep Gate a pool, which is called in Hebrew, Bethesda, having five porches. 3 In these lay a great multitude of sick people, blind, lame, paralyzed, waiting for the moving of the water. 4 For an angel went down at a certain time into the pool and troubled the water; then whoever stepped in first, after the stirring of the water, was made well of whatever disease he had. 5 Now a certain man was there who had an infirmity thirty-eight years. 6 When Jesus saw him lying there, and knew that he already had been in that condition a long time, He said to him, "Do you want to be made well?" 7 The sick man answered Him, "Sir, I have no man to put me into the pool when the water is troubled; but while I am coming, another steps down before me." 8 Jesus said to him, "Rise, take up your bed and walk." 9 And immediately the man was made well, took up his bed, and walked..."
This afternoon, as I was driving through a devestated area of New Orleans having just emptied my trailer of medical supplies, food and clothing items--the brother in the Lord who was helping me said, "Pastor Troy, you can sure get people upset without even knowing it."
I didn't know how to take what he had said. I kind of consider myself a pretty "friendly" person who typically gets along well with everyone---so I had to ask him to clarify what he meant. He said, "I have worked with you for over ten years and I have seen people get upset with you time and time again because..."
I'll get back to that in a minute.
In John's Gospel, chapter 5, we have a great scene unfolding that the Lord quickened to me this afternoon. Here you had a place that was known for attracting the infirm or those who had something wrong with them and needed assistance. The place was the Sheep Gate Pool and there were "multitudes" of people brought there regularly for the opportunity to be healed.
It says that "at a certain time" an angel would come down and trouble or stir up the waters and whoever stepped in first was healed regardless of what the disease they had was. Now, this is exciting stuff! The first one in got the prize! It played out kind of like a spiritual King of the Mountain.
What caught my attention was that #1 it was located at the Sheep Pool and that those in attendance represented the worst cases imaginable; blind, lame, paralized...not your average run-of-the-mill sore throats and back aches! #2 that the healing came following the waters being troubled or stirred up!
Back to my earlier conversation: He said, ""I have worked with you for over ten years and I have seen people get upset with you time and time again because most people (speaking of ministers) talk about the things that they want to do or should do, while you just jump in and actually do it. They see you as a trouble maker because you stir things up when people just talk about doing things for Jesus, but make all kind of excuses for not doing them."
Hmmm, I have to admit it, I never looked at it that way until he told me what he did. I guess the thing about it is, is that I would rather try and fail than fail to try. I came to the conclusion nearly twenty years ago that I if I was going to serve Jesus, then I would serve Him with the same reckless abandon and passion that I served the world before I was born again.
I am of the opinion that there is w-a-y to much talk and w-a-y to many excuses and politics in the Modern Church. It is soooo governmental that most spiritual things are caught up in ecclessiastical grid-lock or have been spiritually "pork-barreled" to such a degree that JESUS has become lost in the religion that bears His name.
What's the point if there is no power? Why the effort if there is no evangelism?
"For our Gospel came not unto you in word only, but in power also and in the Holy Spirit."
The problem in the Church today is the same problem faced in John Chapter 5:
- The angel only came at certain times
- Only the first one in received the benefit
It doesn't even say that the "certain time" was every day or when-just that it was at a certain time. They could have waited for hours or even days for the waters to be troubled and then only ONE would make it in first.
That tells me something--the Church needs more angels (messengers) that are willing to dive in and trouble the waters! In Revelation Chapter 1, "pastors or ministers" of churches are called "angels." We need preachers of the Gospel with enough righteous backbone to FINALLY stand up for the truth even in the face of overwhelming odds (multitudes of infirm people) and cause some trouble to the devil!
This may mean going agains the grain at times or in standing up when everyone else is sitting down---but notice---the TROUBLING was the catalyst for the MIRACLE. It was here in John 5. It was when John the Baptist came with the radical "troubling" message of repentance. It certainly was when Jesus came and preached like "never a man spoke."
Sure, you WILL upset some people--but maybe they need to get upset---it could be what causes THEM to "rise, take up THEIR beds and WALK."
Posted by
3:30 AM