A police search failed to turn up the assailants. The investigation is ongoing but was initially hampered because no witnesses to the attack have been located, said Santa Rosa Police Sgt. Nicholas Sensley.The teenager was stabbed at least three times - sustaining "pretty serious wounds" - and underwent surgery soon after noon, Sensley said.
Friday, January 27, 2006
New Convert Stabbed Seven Times!
A police search failed to turn up the assailants. The investigation is ongoing but was initially hampered because no witnesses to the attack have been located, said Santa Rosa Police Sgt. Nicholas Sensley.The teenager was stabbed at least three times - sustaining "pretty serious wounds" - and underwent surgery soon after noon, Sensley said.
Posted by
3:08 PM
Wednesday, January 11, 2006
Northern California Outreach Photos
Posted by
8:19 PM
News and Updates!
Outreach Team at the Papago Ct on Saturday
Pastor Troy with Lamar on the Rail Road tracks during outreach
"When you see it like HE saw it...you will do it like HE did it."
P.O. Box 113196 Metairie, LA 70011
(504) 304-6535
We had an awesome weekend of ministry in Northern California this past week! God really showed up in a powerful way and ministered in a truly special way. Even though this was my first visit to the churches that I was at, it seemed like a "homecoming event" for me. I initially met these guys at an outreach in Tijuana, Mexico last year that I was helping my friend, Bobby Chance with ( www.streetwiseministry.com ) and then several teams came to help us immediately after Hurricane Katina hit. It was such a blessing to see them and have the opportunity to "thank" them all personally for their generostity and compassion in the wak of such a tragic event.
Friday, January 6, 2006: Caught a late afternoon flight out of New Orleans to Atlanta, where I connected with Terry Shuff of Raven Midwest ( http://ravenmidwest.blogspot.com/) who had flown in from South Bend, Indiana to join me for the 5 1/2 hour "red-eye" into Oakland, Calf.
We arrived in Oakland around 11:30 PM and picked up our rental car for the hour long drive across the San Francisco Bay to our destination in Santa Rosa, Calf just north of the city in the Napa Valley.
Saturday, January 7,2006: Rudy Gonzales of West Coast Raven (www.UGO4GOD.com) picked us up along with his daughter, Maddie (she and her sister CeCe) were the ones who gathered 1500 toys for the Streetwise Christmas Party in Tijuana last month! I was excited to finally meet these two "Legends of Outreach Ministry" face to face and I was not disappointed! Maddie is 11 and CeCe is 9! There is a lot of history yet to be written about these two power-houses for the Kingdom---stay tuned!
We connected with the rest of the team later than morning for an outreach to "Popago Court" which is an area that is literally in the "wrong side of the tracks." It was amazing to see how the community changed as we crossed over into this area known for drugs, gangs, and violence---but praise God that things are changing!
The team, about 25-30 people, showed up and began to set up there in the middle of the dead end street--- that is no longer a "spiritual" dead end for those living in the Papago! They had brought chickn to BBQ, chips, sodas, and clothing for the people as well. The teams began to fan out and invite the people over to eat and receive ministry.
That is where I met Pastor Russ and Teri Clifford of Hope Chapel West (www.hopewest.org) who jumped in and really helped Rudy when Lori was going through here medical things (praise God she is now TOTALLY healed of cancer!). Pastor Russ and Teri are just awesome people with a passion for the Lord Jesus and the community. It was then that he invited me to come and preach at his church the next day.
I began to "explore" the area and walked down by the railroad tracks and found "Lamar" sitting alone by the tracks and sat down next to him and began to talk. We had a good conversation and I shared with him why I was there and what the Lord Jesus was doing. He graciously accepted by invitation to come and eat and while there were blessed to pray for and minister to him as well.
Terry Shuff invited me over to meet three young men from the community that he was able to share the Gospel with that gave their hearts to Jesus as well! Jose, Sergio, and Edgar prayed right there in the street and committed their hearts to Jesus. It was a great day of ministry.
That afternnoon I was scheduled to preach at the two Saturday Services at Hope Chapel East (www.hopechapel-sr.org) with Pastor Dan Boyd. This is Rudy & Lori Gonzales' home church and where many of the (11) teams that blessed us by coming to help after Katrina atttend church. It was a blessing to be there and worship with Hope Chapel worship leader, Jimmy (http://culturedrivenlife.blogspot.com/) who was on the first team from Santa Rosa that showed up with the RV that Bobby & Dot Chance donated for our family to live in after being flooded out by Katrina.
That first service, I brought a word out of Exodus 25 called, "There is Glory Beyond the Veil" concerning the need for each believer to fulfill his place in the Priesthood of Believers by living beyond the normaly of the "outer courts" and press beyond the veils (flesh) that restrict each of us from doing what God has commissioned us to do (win souls).
In the 7:00 PM service, we had another great crowd--and I got to see my bud, Brian Bennett who had just arrived back from Central America where he had spent the week constructing a church. In the late service I preached a message called, "Who do you say that I am" which was really (7) verses of promise, (4) verses of problem and (1) verse to provide the solution to the present condition of the church. Tehse message may be available by emailing www.hopechapel-sr.org and asking for a copy.
Sunday January 8, 2006: That morning we took off early because our friends Bobby & Dot were in the area preaching at Hope Windsor (Hope is kicking in No-Cal). Bobby and Dot had just come in late the night before from preaching the funeral of his nephew who was tradgically murdered in Mississippi. It was good--as always to see them and we then took off and went to Pastor Russ' church where I would be speaking at.
Pastor Russ and Teri are just awesome folks and their kids, Ashley and Nick are just as amazing. I preached a message that morning called "Let's get talked back into the Cross" which you can listen to by going to their website www.hopewest.org and clicking on the sermon page (it is there in mp3 format).
That evening we just "chilled" at Rudy and Lori's house with their family and Bobby & Dot and Pastor Russ and Teri came over as well. It was just good to sit and talk about Jesus with people who love Him and love doing His will. I am looking forward to seeing the Santa Rosa team again real soon for our Mardi Gras outreach next month---you should really consider coming to and meeting them!
Terry Shuff and I got up at 4:00 AM and drove to Oakland where we once again flew togther to Atlanta and went our seperate way back home from there. It was a very special time of ministry and I thank those of you who pray and support the work of RAVEN that enables us to take the vision into cities, neighborhoods and churches across this nation.
We will once again be out in the "Quarter" taking the Gospel to the lost and dying on Bourbon Street. If you are in the area and would like to join us, call me at 504-304-6535 and let me know. We would love to ahve you and could use the help.
This Sunday morning at 10:00 AM at the First Assembly of God in New Orleans (www.NolaFirstAG.org) with my friend, Pastor Daniel Flanagan. It is such an honor and a priviledge to be speaking at a church with such a rich history in the city and to be there with a man of such devotion and wisdom as Pastor Flanagan. If you are in the area--come out and be a part of the service!
NEW VIDEO on the website: If you have not yet been to www.BigGrace.com you need to go and see the new "Rescue" video that was uploaded yesterday. It is an update of one that had been there previously. Go check it out---you will be blessed.
Pastor Alex and Holly have been "on the road' the past couple of weeks. They were in Hereford, Tx ministering for a few days and then in Austin, TX. They just finished (3) days of meetings in Abilene and should be back in New Orleans by this weekend. I'll post more details later.
I will be in Amarillo, Texas on the 21st abd 22nd of January. I will be hosting a RAVEN Meeting there in town for all who desire to participate in the Mardi Gras outreach. The group from Amarillo has long been such an amazing team. Most are "combat-vets" and always an awesome addition to our team.
I will also be stopping by More Church (www.amarillomore.org) with Pastor Daryl Roach to update them on the ministry here in New Orleans, then later that day at Friends & Family Fellowship with Pastor Joe Kirkwood to do the same. Both of these ministries were a tremendous support for the work in the wake of Hurricane Katrina and I am thrilled to be able to go and thank them personally for their love.
LOOKING AHEAD: Mission Banquet at First Baptist Church in Fairfield, Texas. This is where our good friend and co-laborer in the harvest, Barry Capps attends. Barry and his "Fairfied" team are awesome soul winners here on the streets of New Orleans.
We love you and appreciate you continual love and financial support, without which we would be vastly limited in our abilities to do what God has called us to here in New Orleans, across this nation and BEYOND. Your prayers and support this month send us to those needing Jesus!
Pastor Troy D. Bohn
Provebs 11:30
Posted by
7:50 PM
Monday, January 02, 2006
Make THIS Year, YOUR Year

Isaiah 61:1-6

I have got to tell you something, “This is my year!” It could and should very well be your year too, but I know for a fact that 2006 is a year that I have been anxiously waiting on for sometime now!
If you passed by the scriptural passage from Isaiah 61 that I have quoted to the left— read it again to yourself before going any further into this newsletter. When you read it this time, personalize it for yourself.
This is a word that the Spirit has greatly impressed upon my heart as the rally call for 2006! I believe that this year will truly be a year of new beginnings, realized promises and manifest miracles in many lives!
Consider this: When Jesus launched into His public ministry as recorded in Luke 4:18

From this point forward, there were things that characterized the message and ministry of our Lord and Savior. He spoke the Word in power, authority and in boldness and He moved in mighty miracles that served to confirm His Gospel.
I believe that God has been speaking to my heart that this year will truly be a breakout year for myself, the ministry and even specifically for REVIVAL here in the City of New Orleans.
Jesus said in John 14:12

What were these works that He did? I believe we are given the basis for them right in Isaiah 61:1-6

Preach - Bind up - Proclaim
Release - Comfort - Provide
Rebuild - Restore!
This is quite a spiritual laundry list in regards to the things that He has destined for us! They should serve as the description of what our personal and corporate ministries should reflect and be characterized by in this new year!
Why should this year be any different that any other year? There is really only one necessary reason to expect it: The returning of the Lord Jesus is nearer now than ever before in history!
We are primed for REVIVAL! Look at today’s headlines:
“Tsunami Claims 150,000 Lives”
“Dozens Die in Bomb Attack”
“Record Hurricanes Strike Florida”
“Same-Sex Marriages Legalized In Several States”
“Catholic Church Rocked By Sexual-Abuse Scandals”
These are just a few of the headlines that have been blazed across this nations newspapers in the past recent months.
Something is happening unlike anything and at anytime. There are birth pangs reverberating throughout the world. It is time for a move of God to return the Church to it true place and back to the true heart and purpose that Jesus died for!
Consider just how relevant the words of Charles Finney, great evangelist of the second Great Awakening, are today (almost 200 years later!)
“When there is a lack of brotherly love and Christian confidence among believers, then revival is needed. Then there is a loud call for God to revive His work. Expect a revival when there are dissentions, jealousies, and evil rumors…These things show that Christians have grown far away from God. Revival is needed when there is a worldly spirit in the church. The church has sunk into a low and backslidden state when you see Christians conform to the world in dress, parties, seeking worldly amusement and reading filthy novels. When the church finds its member falling into gross and scandalous sin, then it is time to wake up and cry to God for a REVIVAL…”
This could just as easily be a description of the church of 2005 as it was of the churches contemporary to Mr. Finney (1800’s).
Divisions, bitterness, worldliness, scandal and immorality have run rampant through the professing church.
Many pastors, fearing that they may lose popularity, membership or money have chosen to turn a blind eye from the obvious and have become partakers in the offence!
Most churches operate like the world’s system rather than the KINGS SYSTEM! I have heard of dear men of God being fired from churches because their image didn’t reflect the new direction that their church was going!
Now, rather than praying until God speaks and imparts vision to the Church, we hire outside consultants to bring their slick salesmanship and market research into our churches to increase our numbers and devise strategies to fill church coffers and build more buildings to house more dead, powerless psuedo-believers.
I believe that in this coming year, that we will begin to see the TRUE CHURCH (not the true organization) begin to rise up from the ashes of complacency, compromise and self-absorption.
God is calling us to “seek Him while He may be found and to call upon Him while He is near.” He is “returning the hearts of the fathers back unto their children.”
We are poised, through the power of prayer, passion and persistence, to begin to write new headlines in 2006!
“Prayer Allowed Back in School as Supreme Court Rules to Strike Down Past Decisions.”
“Mardi Gras 2006 CANCELLED as New Orleans Becomes Hot Bed of International Revival”
“Congress Passes Constitutional Amendment to Outlaw Abortion As Republican & Democratic Law-Makers Openly Weep and Repent on Senate Floor.”
“Hunger & Homelessness Become Virtually Non-Existent in Many Cities as Churches Rally to Do the Work of the Ministry.”
The things that God is desiring to do in this New Year are truly “bigger than you think!”
I am going to hit the ground running in 2006 in expectation and obedience to those things that He has placed upon my heart.
This Year is MY year and the Lord Jesus desires to make it yours as well!
Posted by
8:54 PM
THIS could be IT!

Did you spiritually “sleep through” this past year? Are you spiritually groggy and are your eyes matted together by complacency, lack of passion, prayer and purpose?
It’s time to WAKE UP! This could be it for you– and all of us! There is a voice calling out to the hearts of those who know Him to “Arise from the dead!” Arise from the deadness of fear! Arise from the deadness of unforgiveness! Arise from the deadness of wrath and jealousy! Arise from the deadness of religion!
Ouch! No NOT my religion! Not the “I’m okay and you’re okay religion” that I have grown so comfortable with!
Not the one-hour-of-no-power ritualistic expression that I have so faithfully accounted as my way to heaven for so long! NOT THAT! Not the covenant that requires no cross! Not the palatable-pink wide-gate gospel that always considers my feeling above my eternal destiny.
WAKE UP! And Christ will give you LIGHT! Not Jesus-lite, or Lo-Cal (Lo-Cost) Conversion— but TRUE LIGHT!
This is the “light” that the Greek translates as “to pour upon you the divine truth as the sun gives light to men aroused from sleep.”
THAT is how I want to be woken up in 2006! Rested from my sleep and slumber by the sudden blast of last days, blood bought, RHEMA Word, power-filled, life changing, Holy Spirit breather TRUTH.
THIS COULD BE OUR LAST OPPORTUNITY. Last year was 150,000 people’s last chance on hundreds of miles of Asian Islands. 9/11/01 was over 2,000 peoples last chance in New York’s Twin Towers. We lost over 1,200 lives as a result of Hurricane Katrina.
NO ONE ever wants to think that their LAST CHANCE is coming up too soon. We all live with some level of invincibility or denial!
2 Corinthians 6:2

When is YOUR salvation going to really “kick in” so that you are walking in victory and not making excuses for your lack of faith, lack of fire and lack of foundation? WAKE UP! If you do...He will pour upon you His TRUTH and His presence like never before!
“See that you walk circumspectly, not as fools!” To walk “circumspectly” is to walk in accuracy and not unwisely.
Your STANDARD OF ACCURACY for the year 2006 is the Word of God! All of it this time! Not just those “plucked out of place” passages that cater to the modern-day easy-believisms being widely circulated through the modern church.
WAKE US UP LORD JESUS! Like being drenched with a bucket of water drawn from a cold stream!
“Search me, O God, and know my heart: try me, and know my thoughts: And see if there be any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.” Psalms 139:23-24

Let this be the year that we are shaken from our slumber, searched in our hearts and minds, and led into our way or destiny God has prepared and purchased for us with the Blood of His Son Jesus!
This could be the year. Let’s make the MOST of it this time instead of doing the least and hoping for the best!
THE TIME IS NOW TO REDEEM OUR TIME! That is to recover fro the power of another that which has been taken from us.
How many of your yesterdays would you like to “do-over?” Sorry—– it just isn’t ever going to happen. But, you can REDEEM your time NOW, by making the commitment that 2006 will be YOUR YEAR of realized promises, manifest miracles and unwavering faith!
Let’s not think that we can “do the same things this year” and expect “different results.”
“Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man sows, that shall he also reap. For he that sows to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption; but he that sows to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting. And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not. As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men, especially unto them who are of the household of faith.” Gal 6:7-10

Posted by
8:44 PM