The team has arrived in New York City! As you can see by the picture, we wasted no time in hitting the streets tonight. Our group began arriving in NYC at 2:00 this afternoon and the last guys arrived around 6:00 PM. Bobby (after some delays in LA today) will be arriving tomorrow.
I was blessed to preach tonights evening service at Abounding Grace Church, where Pastors Rick & Arlene Del Rio and Pastor Joe Maldonado serve. These guys are just awesome and such gracious hosts as well.
Thwe worship time was so anointed and it certainly made it easy to bring the word. The altars were filled and many came to be prayed for by the team. We just had a great time in Jesus! The..we jumped on the subway and headed to Times Square!
The guys were blown away by the number of people and the sheer magnitude of the place, but that didn't deter them from getting busy witnessing. I was able to minister and pray for two Nigerian men who have been in the country a couple of years.
I'll get another update out tomorrow---but it is LATE here and I am going to try to squeeze in an hour or so of sleep to et ready for tomorrow. Please PRAY for us!
Friday, May 19, 2006
The Boys Are Back In Town! NYC
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2:27 AM
Wednesday, May 10, 2006

I just returned Monday from ministering with Pastor Sam & Lucy Croghan of River Of Life Worship Center in Hanover, Pennsylvania. This is just about 35 miles from Baltimore, Maryland. These are just some awesome "Jesus-Loving" people who are doing an amazing job pastoring this church that they planted just two years ago,
We are working on establishing Raven East Coast there with them and targeting some very strategic areas of ministry in the general vacinity including: Baltimore, Washington D.C., and South Eastern Pennsylvania as well. There are several million residence within 75 miles of their location and we are believing God to bring many into his kingdom.
We went into Baltimore on Sunday afternoon to "spy out the land." Here I am with Pastor Sam out in front of Camden Yards (home of the Baltimore Orioles baseball team) and just a block from the home of the Baltimore Raven's football stadium as well.
We also ventured into the inner-city area known as the "Crack Capitol" and I got out and talked and ministered to some young men who had gathered there on the block. This is some "ripe-pickin" and we are making plans to get into the innercity to mininster and share Christ.

Sunday Morning I preached at Pastor Sam & Lucy's church and we had a great time in Jesus. I really felt at "home" here as the people were very open to the Word of God and we had some come forward to ask Jesus into their hearts as well.

Last week my parents and my oldest brother, Ray, came to New Orleans to help us take a load of our things to Daytona Beach where we will be moving in June as soon as Kayla finishes up the school year. Here is the "Jesus Bus" all loaded down with our belonging followed by the Raven Van and our ministry trailer.

Ray, drove the bus all the way to Florida! He also was the one who went to Wichita, Kansas and picked it up for us and brought it down to New Orleans just prior to our Mardi Gras outreach. He is also the one who helped take the bus that we donated to the church in Mexico out to California at the end of last year with Bobby Chance. I guess you could say he is our official Raven "Long-Haul Bus driver".
We had a great ride from New Orleans to Daytona Beach and the weather was clear the whole way and the Lord Jesus truly gave us traveling mercy the whole time. He we are crossing a bridge just outside of Pennsecola, Florida. You would not believe the "looks, honks, and waves" that we got as people saw our Holy Ghost Caravan traveling down the highway.
Here is a picture of my dad (Ray Sr), my oldest brother, Ray Jr, and my nephew Justin with me in Daytona Beach after our arrival there.
We have got a C-R-A-Z-Y next few months on our schedule. May 18-22 I will be in New York City hosting the "Boot Camp in the Big Apple" outreach with my friend, Bobby Chance, of Street Wise ministry of Hollywood, Calf. Then I will be going to Santa Rosa, Calf to do a Raven School of Evangelism with Pastor Russ Clifford of Living Well Church as well as outreach there and in San Francisco June 9-12. We're scheduled to be in Los Angeles' "Skid Row" feeding the multitudes and ministering on the streets of Hollywood June 22-26 and then back in Daytona Beach for Beach Reach 2006 with Pastor Frank Gresham of the Jesus Centre' June 29-July 4th.
We'll then turn around and head back to NYC for the "Jesus Loves New York" outreach with Pastor Rick & Arlene Del Rio of Abounding Grace July 8-15 with a weeklong international trip to Amsterdam to minister for a week in the infamous "Red Light District."
As you can well see, God has got us on-the-move in a BIG WAY in the next couple of months. We sure could use your financial help right now. I know many people are being stretched themselves this time of year with skyrocketing gas prices and kids graduations and summertime coming up, but would you pray and consider making a generous missions offering to Raven Ministries to help us "go out and bring people in to His Kingdom?" We sure would appreciate it and you'll be blessed to hear the tesitmonies of God's grace, power and mercy being poured out across this nation and beyond!
Pastor Troy D. Bohn
Raven Ministries P.O. Box 113196 Metairie, LA 70011
or give securely online by clicking HERE and giving with a credit/debit card or online check
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1:34 AM