Sunday, April 22, 2007
Friday, April 13, 2007
New York City Outreach: May 24-28
That experienced happened to me years ago, but it is often brought back to my memory when I think of the task that the Lord Jesus has set before us: “To deliver the lost and dying from the horrors of an eternal hellish torment.” The ONLY thing that can extinguish what may now appear to be the “invisible” flames of this final judgment is the preaching of the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ to a generation engulfed in the incendiary sins of this life.
Isaiah the Prophet said in Chapter 5:14, “Therefore hell hath enlarged herself, and opened her mouth beyond measure.” Yet a chapter later when the Lord of Hosts Himself sought someone who would enter the blazing inferno of rebellion to offer the flame-quenching “Water of the Word” he said, “Here I am, send me.”
On almost a daily basis we are called “into the flames” because there is a person “on fire.” They represent someone’s son or daughter, a wayward spouse, or that innocent enough looking neighbor. While the spiritual “accelerant” may differ in each of their cases, they are still being rapidly consumed by hells firestorm. But WE are the Fire Fighters of the Most High God!
Perhaps you would like to “Jump With Us” next month? This outreach is open to all believers who would dare answer the call to do “whatever it takes to put them out.” The basic cost of the outreach is $125 per person. That will cover a place to sleep for (4) nights and your very own outreach team t-shirts. You will need to arrange for your own transportation to the city, purchase a subway pass, and your meals on the streets. (Email me with any questions or for more details)
Maybe you cannot “Jump” yourself, but would like to sponsor a “Firefighter” to go as your representative? You can give to this cause by sending your tax-deductible gift to:
Raven Ministries International
P.O. Box 1897
Daytona Beach, Fl 32115
Or by donating online with a credit/debit card or electronic check by clicking the “Donate” Icon
We have seen the Holy Spirit douse the flames upon hundreds of lives on the streets of New York City and are expectant of seeing many more snatched from the jaws of hell this year too. Can you join us? Can you help?
Pastor Troy D. Bohn
International Director
Posted by
1:15 AM
Thursday, April 12, 2007
THANK all of you who prayed and gave sacrificially to meet this need. You were truly an enormous part of God's miracle for these brothers and sisters Jesus. May HE bless and anoint you mightily for your service to Him.
Posted by
1:44 PM
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
Please Read This: Can You Help?

Jesus said to Peter afterwards, Mark 10:29-30

The way I like to put it is, “You take care of God’s business and He will take care of yours!”
I know people that have been put in the place of the “Rich young Ruler” before and instead of walking away “sorrowful”, they did exactly that---they laid it all on the line to go and do what they Holy Spirit had commanded---even if it cost them everything! There are a few people that I know who have done it over and over again and have never wavered in just believing and doing what God called them to. Two such people are Pastor Alex and Holly Hill.
These guys have time and time again “sold everything” to go and follow Jesus. I have seen them load up themselves with three young children in tow and simply trust the Lord to do what He said he would do. They have “sold houses” and devoted the proceeds to ministering to the hungry and needy. These guys have traded “comfort and stability” for “faith and obedience” more times than you could imagine.
I say all of that to say this. This family, along with their in-laws Pastor Graham and Sue Scott (who are in their 60’s) have made the commitment once again to obey the voice of the Lord and move ½ across the country to assist us in further advancing the work of reaching people for Jesus.
They have spent the past year working with a local church in Austin, Texas to raise up a great team of devoted and anointed people to preach Jesus to that city. They did that will the full knowledge that it would cost them everything that they had to settle there temporarily when they knew that God would be directing them here to help in Florida (and the world) eventually.
Now they sit with a tremendous deadline to meet. They are in need of a bona-fide miracle to take place in the next 24 hours. They have a moving truck set to load them up this week to bring them from Austin to Daytona Beach. They are in need of $3,000 by tomorrow morning. THAT seems like and enormous amount in the natural---but I can’t help but stand upon the promise that Jesus made to His disciples that if we are willing to “leave everything” to follow Him—then he will supply a hundred times back in this life!
I received an email from Sue Scott a little while ago that described how they were “once again” selling everything off to make the move and something inside of me said, “THAT is just not the way that it should be.” (I have place here email at the bottom of this for you to read yourself)
I want to ask YOU to stand with ME on this. I know that TOGETHER we can do SOMETHING to minister to this families need. These are guys that have laid their lives down and I believe that WE can be Jesus’ hands in meeting this need.
Will you help me? Melanie and I felt led to split our tax refund with them to help pay the deposit on the house that they are moving into here. It wasn’t a huge amount, but that $400 was a sacrifice that went a long way to helping them. I am asking and believing that WE can raise the additional $3000 TODAY. Someone may be saying, “WOW—you have got to be kidding me!” But I am saying that if we all do SOMETHING, then we will see God do EVERYTHING.
Maybe you can give $20 or $50 or some of you may be where you can give $100, $500 or more---or someone $5----but we can all do something. You can give through our PayPal account by credit/debit card, or electronic check by clicking the link at the bottom or email me what you feel led to do and you can send it via the post office or even Western Union.
I will be giving an update tonight on our Live RAVEN NATION webcast at 9:00 PM (EST) and I am believing that I will be announcing that ALL OF IT HAS BEEN GIVEN!
Please pray and give! God will certainly honor your sacrifice.
Pastor Troy D. Bohn
P.O. Box 1897
Daytona Beach, FL 32115
(from Sue Scott—Pastor Alex’s mother-in-law)
It’s the same here, as we wander around the house; quietly in prayer,
each one of us wanting so much for the miracle to come through. It is excruciating, sometimes to have only the Lord to depend on. We have put much of our furniture on “Craig’s List” to sell it to raise money for the move.
We cannot depend on Craigsters from Craig’s List to come through for us.
The emails from the ads are coming in like bullets, how long is the couch, how old is the couch, what kind of a pattern does it have? But nobody has yet come for the things.
Anyway, as I walk through the house and look at all the things that need to be
packed, I wonder who will buy something that will provide the next trickle of money--when we need a boatload. We went to Wal-Mart and picked out the cheapest food we could find for the day. Later, at home, I was in the bathroom, and walked out and mentioned “Hey, we are out of bathroom tissue”—a voice shot back “tell Jesus!”
Okay, I get it. Now we are praying for enough money for tissue, when we have
just committed to praying about a big truck, 18 wheeler. Plan was to take the U-haul all the way to Florida, get there 25 hours later, turn around and come right back in a daze of sorts, pick up all the other stuff and drive straight back! (We figured out by the time you add in gas & mileage for there & back twice in the U-haul it would cost us the same as the semi.) Not to mention that the hospital bill for Pastor Alex would be enormous to get his eyes back in his head!
Well, with this plan from you know where, we were all glad to abandon it and
grab the one with the 18 wheels and stay put once we got there. The kids have really been in on the praying and getting their faith involved too. This was the plan; the only catch was that this 18 wheeler plan was going to cost $3500.
When we devised this plan of faith, we were so encouraged because we serve the King of Kings who owns everything! He’s richer than Donald Trump. If Donald Trump had a kid ask him for money to move, he wouldn’t deny them, so how much more would our Heavenly Father.
I’m looking through my husband’s wallet for a little money to go get toilet paper. He asked what I’m doing. I tell him “toilet paper”. Then I grab a $20 and head out the door. Wow, I thought we were broke. I happily went to the store to get toilet paper and bought hot pockets for the kids, because we are going to fast until the rest of the money comes in for the moving truck.
How funny! We were thinking we didn’t have money, turns out my husband has
cash stashed away in his wallet. (enough for toilet paper and then some!)
Now that will preach! We think we have nothing, and all along, God says
“its right there, if you seek you will find!”
Remember the woman that was getting ready to have her children taken away
from the bonds man in the bible? Well, do you remember what the Lord told her through the prophet? WHAT IS IN YOUR HOUSE? “Only a pot of oil!” she answered. Then, he said: “Go out and borrow the POTS” Note he didn’t say:
Remember he said: Borrow not a few!!!! In other words, set your sights high, borrow as many as you can, he told her! She set up the pots, she shut the door upon her and her sons, who brought the vessels to her, and she poured out. She filled up the pots over and over. I love the fact that the children were involved and watching. That’s what we have done, involved the kids in this miracle we are in the middle of.
God multiplied what she had; she sold the oil and paid the debt. Her children weren’t taken away.
At least we don’t have someone threatening to take away our kids! Hope, Judah and Josiah, are always such a blessing. Pastor Alex and Holly are wonderful to take in me, when I had the cancer, and of course, my husband Pastor Graham. That makes us 7 in the home. Our home in Florida, has a little home in the back for us grandparents.
We are not paralyzed with fear about how to get the money, in fact we just keep
laughing and joking about the whole situation. We have faced this before, over and over, money problems, but that is the way of a soldier for the war we are in. We are in a battle, we are running a race, we do get battle worn sometimes, but the Lord gives us a rest and then here we go again.
It occurred to someone that maybe the reason that the Lord hasn’t sent the money to us, is that the neighbor named Pat, across the street, is not saved yet.
We are working on her, telling her about being born again. Maybe that is the reason the Lord is having us wait. One soul! Think of how important one soul is to the Lord. One soul is so vital, so precious to the Lord, he will have you move to an entire city for one soul. It’s amazing, how much he cares about each one of us. One soul. She’s an old woman, tiny, frail, on oxygen, her husband gone, she is left alone. One soul. Can you join with us on this one soul?
Please pray for this one soul to be saved. We’ll keep you posted on her and also the finances and the moving truck. God is faithful
Changing the world for Jesus,
Sue Scott
Posted by
4:10 PM
Saturday, April 07, 2007
The Harvest Show
Posted by
10:27 PM
Welcome the "Adams Family"
They come from an extensive ministry and church background and have such a devotion to the Lord Jesus and a compassion to reach the lost and dying for His Kingdom. We are so blessed to have them here in the area working with us and look forward to you getting to know them better as well.
Posted by
10:23 PM
MetroPraise Church- Chicago, Ill.
Posted by
10:09 PM
El Devino Redinor Church- Elkhart, Indiana
Posted by
10:05 PM
Potter's House of Deliverance Church- South Bend, In.
Posted by
9:03 PM
Johnnie gets set free!
Fortunately we had a box of pizza left over and were able to bless him. I soon began addressing his addictions and that Jesus could save him and set him free. He knelt right there on the sidewalk and repented and asked Jesus to come into his life. Afterwards he stood up and opened a brand new 40 oz. bottle of beer and poured it on the ground. We connected him with Pastor Joe's church there in the area for further ministry and fellowship.
Posted by
8:57 PM
Jake the Snake Roberts
Recently as I was waiting for a connecting flight out of Atlanta's International Airport, I saw a guys walk past that looked very familiar. The airport there is huge and there are always tons of people walking past. I put it out of my head and then the guys walked past me agaon. I thought to myself, "That guys looks like Jake the Snake Roberts." For you non-wrestling fans, Jake the Snake was a mainstay in wrestling in the 80's, 90's and still wrestles to this day. He got his nickname by carrying in a large boa constrictor to the ring and then laying it on his opponents chest after he had knocked him out with his pattented "DDT" finishing move!
I felt that I should stop him and talk to him because I had heard a few years ago that he had given his life to Jesus--but he walked on past into the crowded airport. I said to myself, "Well, if he comes by ONE MORE TIME then I know that I am supposed to talk with him." A minute later he walked up to the ticket counter of MY gate and asked what time the flight was leaving because he was supposed to be on it!
The plane started boarding right after that and my section was called first. As the plane filled up, he was not yet on board. Pretty soon nearly every seat was filled and I was wondering where Jake. Then here he came, one of the last to board and found his way to the back of the plane.
As he walked past me I said loudly, "HEY JAKE, you still serving Jesus?" Somewhat stunned he stammered, "Oh yeah, working hard at it every day" as he continued to walk towards the rear of the plane. My intention was to go and sit next to him if their was an empty seat, but this was a full flight so I had to wait and see what would come about once we landed.
We landed in South Bend, Indiana 2 1/2 hours later and I was one of the first off the plane. This is a small airport and my luggage was all carry on, so I made my way out to the front to wait for my ride. As I was loading, guess who walks out and stands right behind me--Yes, "Jake the Snake Roberts."
I quickly turned and walked up to him and said, "Hey Jake, I asked you on the plane if you were serving Jesus because rumor has it that you gave your life to the Lord." "Yeah man, I have just had a tough year. I had hip surgery and right now I am getting over food poisoning."
After a short little exhange, I said, "Alright I am going to pray for you" and I laid hands on him and asked the Lord Jesus to touch him physically and spiritually that he would be a voice for righteousness wherever he was. He thanked me and we went our ways.
I always dreamed of being a "Wrestler" when I was a kid, but you know--It is so much better serving Jesus and "body slamming" the devil then it would have been running around a ring in tights!
Posted by
7:41 PM
Awesome Testimonies
I have personally been blessed to see thousands of people come to Jesus over the years "one on one" as we have ministered during outreaches, church services and special events. One of the things that our teams do is to takea picture of the person that we minister to as a reminder that this is a unique individual that has given their life to Jesus and their name is now written in the Lamb's Book of Life.
We have stayed in contact with so many people and correspend with many on a regular basis. It brings me such joy to recieve a call, email or letter from someone that has such an amazing testimony of their encounter with the Lord. These are a couple of people that I had the priviledge of meeting recently in two very different places.
I met "Linda" here in Daytona Beach during Daytona Bike week. The Spirit of God hit her in such a powerful way right in the middle of "the party" and she has since been in contact with us via email. I met "Jacqui" at a church service that I preached in Chicago and God truly moved in this young woman's life and is now taking her to amazing new realms of knowing Him. These are some messages that I received from these two dear sisters in the Lord recently.
"How are you? I bet you didnt expect to hear from me" You do remember- who I am right? I came to bike week and you prayed for me...and inparted alot of wisdom into my hardened heart. Well I know I'm as stuborn as an ox, but once again in a clearer frame of mind. Like I said, I'm hurting from a struggling marriage for 13 years now and I want to get right with God!On Monday the 19th, him and I have a marriage conference before the judge. He said he wanted us to fix our problems and seek councel...I want my marriage to work, but both of us need to walk deligently with the Lord to be truly happy...Please give me insight to what you may be thinking the Lord may want for me.
It was great meeting you. You have shined a powerful light in my life and I just want to thank you. I look foward to walking in God's path. You just have a way of brightening up my day every time you speak to me!!! Hey Pastor Troy, the Lord Jesus is doing glorious things in my life ALREADY.....that's for sure. But, I need lots of prayer!!! My family doesnt really practice the Christian life style and it's really starting to work my last nerve. I'm really trying to work on my ways and all these bad influences are all up in my face. I'm keeping the faith and trying to pray when I feel that I'm loosing my cool. I don't mean to vent, I just need lots of when you have sum time, can you keep me in ur prayers? I'm just trying to focus on getting and staying rightous. I'm starting to find new joy in my life. For example...I've always thought that reading the Bible would be boring, but because I never took the time to actually open it and read it. Now that I'm trying to walk in the right path, I find myself opening the Bible many times throughout the day and find myself having a hard time putting it down. And I've noticed that the more I read it...the more I believe in it...and in God. I have lots of time on my hands and I want to know HIm more.
Posted by
7:20 PM