Friday, June 29, 2007
Study on Book of Romans

Posted by
1:33 PM
Thursday, June 21, 2007
This is a MUST hear for EVERYONE!
Click on the Bible & Candle image below to listen or download CLASS 23 (June 21) from the Raven Institute of Ministry & Biblical Studies. You will be glad that you did!

"Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path."
Posted by
4:09 PM
RAVEN EAST COAST: Evangelism Boot Camp

Posted by
12:50 PM
Monday, June 18, 2007
Posted by
7:40 PM

Posted by
4:12 PM
Friday, June 15, 2007
I have to remind myself of that on a daily basis because our eyes, intellect and emotions can all be manipulated by our adversary. He is called the "prince and the power of the air." This means that he has his influence in the realm of the seen and felt--not where it really matters--in the Kingdom of God!
We know that God has given us the instructions to go back to the City of Amsterdam next month to preach the Gospel in the Red-Light District. There have just been too many things that have happened to confirm it when I had come to the point of calling it off.
The only obstacle that we are facing--period--is the financial one. In order to put a team in the streets for those seven days (the team being Pastor Alex Hill and I) it will cost approximately $4,500.00
$1250.00 Round Trip Airfare x 2 = $2500.00
$500.00 Stay in a Hostel x 2 = $1000.00
$500.00 Local Transportation/Eating x 2 = $1000.00
Grand Total Needed To Win SOULS to Jesus = $4500.00
We have even figured out a way
to cut the cost to a bare minimum
$1000.00 x 2 R/T Airfare if purchased soon = $2000.00
$250.00 x 2 for Room and we can "work off" 1/2 of room rent = $500.00
$200.00 Local Transportation x 2 (We will fast) = $400.00
Reduced Total to Win SOULS to Jesus = $2900.00
So far we have had $250.00 contributed, so that would only leave $2650.00 to Raise in order to invade Amsterdam's Red-Light District with the Gospel of Jesus Christ! Will you stand in prayer for us on this. The hour is short and the need for someone to take the life-saving message of Jesus Christ to this place is enormous. We know that the Lord Jesus can make a way.
Posted by
10:47 PM

Posted by
11:45 AM
From an Email I received today:

Posted by
1:46 AM
Thursday, June 14, 2007
Ruth Bell Graham 1920-2007

"Ruth was my life partner, and we were called by God as a team," Billy Graham said in a statement. "No one else could have borne the load that she carried. She was a vital and integral part of our ministry, and my work through the years would have been impossible without her encouragement and support.
"I am so grateful to the Lord that He gave me Ruth, and especially for these last few years we've had in the mountains together. We've rekindled the romance of our youth, and my love for her continued to grow deeper every day. I will miss her terribly, and look forward even more to the day I can join her in Heaven."
Ruth Graham has been bedridden for months with degenerative osteoarthritis of the back and neck and underwent treatment for pneumonia two weeks ago. At her request, and in consultation with her family, she had stopped receiving nutrients through a feeding tube for the last few days, Ross said. The family plans a private interment ceremony and a public memorial service. Those arrangement had yet to be made on Thursday.
As Mrs. Billy Graham, Ruth Graham could lay claim to being the first lady of evangelical Protestantism, but neither exploited that unique status nor lusted for the limelight. Behind the scenes, however, Ruth Graham was considered her husband's closest confidant during his spectacular global career — rivaled only by her father, L. Nelson Bell, until his death in 1973.
Bell, a missionary doctor, headed the Presbyterian hospital in Qingjiang, China, that had been founded by the father of author Pearl Buck. Ruth grew up there and spent three high school years in what's now North Korea.
Posted by
6:19 PM
This is Just AMAZING! Praise Jesus!
No- we didn’t get a donation of $5,000 to cover the cost of putting a team on the streets (we were blessed to receive $250 total though – Praise the Lord). I got something that was FAR MORE encouraging than any amount of money could be (though I believe that too will come).
I shared that I had received the email from the young man, Jereon, whom I had ministered to while there in the Red-Light District last year. Seemingly, “out of the blue” he emails to testify of his father being set free from alcoholism and that God still does miracles and to thank us for witnessing and praying for him!
Then last night, I received a call regarding “Joan” who we had prayed for on the RAVEN NATION program on Tuesday night. She had been involved in a serious car accident just before we went on the air and her neck had been broken. We prayed that the Lord Jesus would touch her and that by His stripes she would be healed.
They ended up having to transport her to another hospital that night because of the broken neck injury. We agreed with our prayer warriors for her healing and WOW! Once they got her to the next hospital, they began to do another battery of tests and (PRAISE JESUS) her neck was totally healed!
She has since WALKED OUT OF THE HOSPITAL under her own power (and the Holy Ghost’s) and is now at home! That is a JESUS MIRACLE.
And that is not it… (Back to the Amsterdam situation)
Matthew 18:16

Jeroen had made the point in his letter to me that I had made to him while ministering to him on the streets, “God is still a miracle working God” and he has really been showing me that and building my faith to new levels over the past few days.
One witness: Jereon
Two Witness: Joan
The third witness: William
As I was reading the Word early this morning and getting ready to teach out of the Book of Romans, I paused to check my email and I was blown away by the first message to pop up: (Here it is)
Hello Pastor Troy,
My name is William and i am the guy who works in gamblinghouse in the redlightdistrict in Amsterdam the one who always brings coffee when you are all gathering on the bridge dont know if you still remember me. I met several years ago two guys from your group forgot there names one had grey hair and the other one had a navycut they where also there last year and we always talk. I am not a believer i my self know whats good or wrong and walk my own path through life.
Give them greetings from me when you see them dont know if they come this year but they not gona see me because i am recovering from a hernia operation and had some bad months of alot of pain so i can not work and tell them that they forgot to pray for me.... thats a joke of course .I thought when they asked me for my email address it was for things like how are you and stuff like that but i get all kinds of information which I thought not really belongs to me thats why i respond now because of this article about coming to Amsterdam. I hope you say hello to the guys take care and god bless.
Someway (the Jesus way) he started getting my email and has been reading all the messages and teachings that have gone out! I believe that I will see William and get to pray for his healing and salvation while in Amsterdam again!
That is (2) messages from (2) different people in Amsterdam in just 24 hours! THAT my friends is no coincidence—that is the Lord trying to get my attention! Well, He’s gotten it! Praise the Lord!
God has been speaking about an hour coming where miracles and signs and wonders will be made manifest and He has even said what the environment will be in which they are seen:
Mark 16:15-20

He is manifesting HIS power and glory in the midst of the preaching of the GOSPLE---not in the midst of our religious pageants! The POWER OF THE HOLY GHOST was not given to entertain the Church, but to serve as a tool to win people to Jesus.
He said, “Go and Preach the Gospel” (not the vain philosophies of man) and that He will cause signs, wonders and miracles to accompany the preaching of the Cross!
There are two POWERFUL words used in verse (19) of Mark Chapter 16. They are the words, “SO THEN…” That HIT ME as I read it!
God has given us a commission and a mandate to GO into all the world and to preach the Gospel: So then…
God has declared that those who hear and believe will be saved: So then…
God has declared that miracles will accompany the preaching of the Gospel to confirming the Word of the Lord with power: So then…
So then…He has done His part and “So then” He is waiting for us to step out in faith and obedience in order to see His Kingdom made manifest.
Matthew 11:5

SO THEN I will be standing in faith that where He guides, He also provides!
Pastor Troy D. Bohn
Raven Ministries International, Inc
P.O. Box 1897
Daytona Beach, Fl 32115
Posted by
1:28 PM
Posted by
1:27 PM
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
I'm Jeroen Pelt from Holland. I don't know if you still recognize me butt you and your friend Adam prayed for me in Amsterdam. You asked God if he could help me with my school, my job and dont forget my home situation with my parrents. All the things you asked God came true! My father was a good winedrinker and an alcoholic now he's clean and I realy want to thank you and your friend for that. I hope I'll hear something from you.
p.s. miracles aren't out of the world.
Probeer nu Live Search: de nieuwe zoekmachine van MSN

Jarron is sixteen years old and came to talk to me night after night. He has been hooked on marijuana for the past four years (since he was 12!) and spends each day going to the coffee houses (where they don't sell coffee--but various types of pot). I was able to share the Word of God with him in depth and present the plan of salvation and pray with him on several occassions.
In Jeroen's email to me today he included a "p.s." that said, "miracles aren't out of the world". When I shared the Gospel with him in Amsterdam last year he said numerous times that "It would take a miracle for his family" and that "miracles were out of this world" (meaning that they just didn't happen anymore). Well Jeroen is now a believer in miracles and maybe I should be too---because that it what it is going to take to be able to be where I need to be next month.
I don't think that I will cancell that trip just yet. You know, I have been thinking "Miracles are not out of this world." There were many other "Jeroen's" on the streets of Amsterdam last year that we promised we would be back and there are many others waiting for someone to bring light into the midst of this darkess. I'll be standing in faith believing for my miracle too!
Today it will take a $5,000 miracle to see this through. That is HUGE, but probably not as huge as Jeroen's dad getting set free! If God put's it on your heart to be a part of seeing the miracle come to pass, you can invest in seeing the City of Amsterdam (and the nation of Holland) impacted by the Gospel of Jesus Christ by sending your missions offering to:
Raven Ministries International, Inc.
Re: Amsterdam
P.O. Box 1897
Daytona Beach, Florida 32115
Or you can give securely online by clicking the "Make a Donation" button on the right hand side of the page.
Many Blessings,
Pastor Troy D. Bohn
"Miracles DO Happen"
Posted by
2:59 PM
Join us for the LIVE class from 9-10:00 AM (EST) right here!
Posted by
12:14 PM
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
Join us tonight for the RAVEN NATION LIVE Webcast! The live, inter-active program begins at 8:30 PM (EST) with a powerful time of Praise & Worship being led by Holly Hill and Sue Scott

As a special treat for you tonight, we will have Pastor Alex Hill bringing a fresh word from the Holy Spirit.
daily Raven Institute of Ministry & Biblical Sutduies program which airs each Monday - Friday from 9-10 AM (EST)
Invite a friend to listen in as well--you'll be glad that you did!
Posted by
4:55 PM

By J. Lee Grady
Some people think I have a glamorous career because I get to interview Christian authors, musicians and celebrities. I've never looked at it that way. In fact, sometimes the things I learn on this job make me downright sick.
I felt a bit woozy last week after learning about yet another potential scandal in the volatile world of independent charismatic ministries. I am referring to recent allegations made against Randy and Paula White, pastors of the 23,500-member Without Walls International Church in Tampa, Fla. After the Tampa Tribune ran a full-length investigative piece on the Whites on May 20, my e-mail box quickly became clogged with messages from all over the nation.
Everyone was asking the same question: "What is Charisma going to do about this?" Some accused me of "covering up" these allegations?even though I didn't know about them yet.
Here's my official answer: We are studying the situation and will interview the Whites to get their side of the story. I hope we discover that the charges are baseless because the body of Christ has endured enough disgrace in the last year.

The article in the Tribune raises fair questions about the Whites' spending habits, accounting practices and business dealings. It mentions their $1.9 million jet, their $2.1 million home in Tampa and Paula's $3.5 million Trump Tower condo in New York. It even claims that the Whites took economic advantage of an elderly widow in their congregation.
In a later article, which ran in the newspaper on May 25, a former member of the White's church said she was told she won a free house in a contest the church sponsored in 2002. She even went to a ribbon cutting and was given a tour of the house?a celebration that was shown on local television. But today, 25-year-old LaShonda Dupree says Without Walls officials explained to her that they only intended to give her the down payment for the home.
The Whites, to their credit, provided responses to many of the Tribune's questions. Regarding Dupree's story, Randy told the newspaper that the contest clearly stated that the winner would get a down payment only. "We tried to do a good thing and it backfired," he said.
Regarding the elderly widow, 85-year-old "Mother Ruth" McGinnis, the Whites claim that the woman fully agreed to their financial terms. Regarding their personal wealth and lucrative church budget, the Whites maintain that their church supports more than 90 missions and outreach programs and gave more than $3.1 million to various charities last year.
Just yesterday I was able to contact the Whites and got a short statement from them about the Tribune story. Paula told me: "In regards to the articles that have recently been published, we have been advised not to make an official statement at this time. However, Mother Ruth continues to sit on the front row and LaShonda [Dupree] continues to come to church every Sunday. The fruit of our ministry of evangelism and restoration speaks for itself and we continue to do what we are called to do."
The newspaper raised other issues that relate more to the Whites' flamboyant lifestyle than their business ethics. When asked about both Randy's and Paula's plastic surgeries, Randy told reporters that they must "look the part" in order to make their frequent television appearances. It also mentioned Randy's tattoos, gun collection and a 2005 appearance on the cover of Makes and Models, a monthly magazine devoted to exotic cars and motorcycles.
The newspaper also mentioned widely circulated rumors about marital problems between the Whites?rumors that have been fueled by the fact that Paula spends much of her time in New York while Randy is trying to start a new congregation in Southern California to reach movie stars. Randy and Paula told the newspaper that they have been true to their marriage vows, while acknowledging that they are under a huge amount of stress because Randy's adult daughter, Kristen Hernando, was recently diagnosed with a brain tumor and requires his constant attention.
What do we as Christians do when our leaders are accused of wrongdoing? In the case of Randy and Paula White, we must demand some answers. The public is requiring accountability. And because the Bible tells us that those who teach the Word must submit to a stricter standard (James 3:1

At the same time, let's remember that the devil would love to destroy another ministry that has blessed thousands and led many to Christ. I am a journalist, but I am also a Christian. I'm not going to rush to judgment. I love Randy and Paula and I have benefited from their courageous efforts to transform the inner city of Tampa.
So much is at stake here. Instead of going on a witch hunt, maybe we all need to reflect on what God is saying through this trouble in Tampa. And maybe we need to ask some hard questions that apply not only to the Whites but also to every ministry in this country. I usually get in trouble for asking questions, but ask them I will:
· Why do we put Christian leaders on pedestals and expect them to be superhuman? · Why do we give church leaders unbridled authority and spending power? · Why don't church members require more ethical and financial accountability? · How can we better train leaders to handle the pressures that come with fame and wealth?
Please pray for Randy and Paula, his daughter Kristen, and for Charisma as we seek to resolve these issues as a skeptical world watches.
J. Lee Grady is editor of Charisma.
Posted by
1:37 AM
Class 16 (6/12) from our Study on the Book of Romans is now available to listen to or to download to your computer by clicking the image below.
Join us for the LIVE class from 9-10:00 AM (EST) right here!.
Many thanks to Brother Steve "Iggy" Ignowski for his technical assistance in making these teachings available for listening online or downloading to your computer in mp3 format.
Posted by
1:09 AM
Monday, June 11, 2007
Space Coast Outreach Report
There was also a bounce house for the kids, face painting and door prizes too! Raven International provided cases of family Bibles for all who came and there was also a time of Holy Hip Hop and tesimonies from M.O.T.C., Predator, Frontline Soldier, and Real Yey---all Gospel Rappers from the Miami Area.
It was a great time in Jesus (even though we had a HUGE rain storm hit in the middle of it--but we waited it out and went on with it afterwards!).
Posted by
11:29 PM
Saturday, June 09, 2007
Raven International (Daytona Beach) will be joining forces with Jon & Danaye Adams of Raven Space Coast for their first Raven Space Coast Outreach and Block Party tomorrow from 3-6 PM in Titusville, Florida. The outreach will be held in conjunction with Apha-Omega Apartment Ministries of which Danaye serves as a chaplain.
The event will be held on the grounds of the Windover Oaks Apartments located at 1771 Windover Oaks Circle in Titusville. There will be free food, games for the kids, drawings and give-a-ways and especially the ministry of the Gospel of Jesus Christ! There will also be special LIVE musical performances by Gospel Rapper, Predator and an appearance from the JESUS BUS R.O.V. (Rolling Outreach Vehicle)
Posted by
2:21 PM
Thursday, June 07, 2007
Posted by
12:10 PM
Class 12 (6/6) from our Study on the Book of Romans is now available to listen to or to download to your computer by clicking the image below.
Many thanks to Bro. Steve Ignowski of LifeLine Ministries for his work in making these teaching available for download. Visit for more from Bro. Steve
Posted by
12:54 AM
Tuesday, June 05, 2007
While we have seen Raven Teams birthed in Cities across this Nation in the past year, our goal has been to take the Gospel of the Kingdom to the WORLD. I have personally been to Canada, Europe and Mexico in the past year, but in the past six months RAVEN has truly GONE GLOBAL!
This past Novemeber we began what would become our RAVEN NATION live webcast each Tuesday at 8:30 PM (EST) as a vehicle to keep our various teams around the USA connected to one another. The first webcast featured Pastor Rudy (Raven West Coast) and I looking at each other trying to figure out how to best utilize this tool that had been placed in our hands.
Since that first LIVE WEBCAST those months ago, we have seen it develop into quite a production! It now features LIVE praise and worship, LIVE call-in testimonies, LIVE prayer requests, and a weekly message from the Word of God.
We have hosted daily intercessory prayer times during seasons of fasting and prayer and we have interviewed guests live in our "studios." In the past two weeks we have begun our LIVE Raven Institute of Ministry & Biblical Studies program that can be see Mon - Friday from 9:00 - 10:00 AM (EST)
What truly excites us is that we are now making the GLOBAL IMPACT that we always believed we would. In the past couple of weeks our International participants have come from all across the world. Where our Gospel-Reach was once limited by where we could physically "go", the utilization of the LIVE webcast have allowed us to span the Globe on a daily basis and teach the Word of God to those who may not have any other opportunities.
Please pray for us as we continue to expand on the potential that this tool brings so that we can be more effective and more efficient in sharing Jesus with the Nations! These are just a few of the places that have been a part of our recent LIVE WEBCASTS
Posted by
12:07 AM
Monday, June 04, 2007
Posted by
2:36 PM
Sunday, June 03, 2007
If you are in the Daytona Beach area: Join us each Sunday at 11:00 AM (EST) for our CHURCH IN THE SURF right on "the world's most famous beach." We begin setting up at 10:00 AM each week (call for exact location and directions) and start praise and worship at 11:00 AM followed by the preaching of the Word of God. Afterwards we enjoy a time of "breaking bread" togather as we serve a FREE lunch to those in attendance.
If you are NOT in the Daytona Beach area: you can join us LIVE via the internet for interactive times of Worship, Prayer, Testimonies and Study in the Word of God.
RAVEN NATION LIVE: Each Tuesday from 8:30 - 10:00 PM (EST) This is an interactive "Church Service" from our studios here in Daytona Beach. You can send in your testimonies or prayer requests in advance to and we will pray for them LIVE during the webcast. RAVEN NATION is watched each week from all across the USA and around the World!
RAVEN INSTITUTE OF MINISTRY & BIBLICAL STUDIES: Monday - Friday 9:00 -10:00 AM (EST) This is our online Bible Training & Discipleship course being offered FREE of charge. Join Pastor Troy D. Bohn and Pastor Alex Hill as they "equip the saints for the work of the ministry" by examining and instructing in the Word of God. Your comments and questions are welcomed and answered LIVE on the program. We are currently studying through the Book of Romans!
Posted by
12:22 AM
Saturday, June 02, 2007
Friday, June 01, 2007
Posted by
1:29 PM
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12:44 AM
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12:35 AM