Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Thursday, November 19, 2009
I wanted to thank you for putting up the last 2 sermons. There are days when we can't get back in time and so I really appreciate being able to still listen to them. Shayne and I are headed to
Michoacanejo, Jal. (near Aguas Calientes) and hoping to deliver more Bibles and encouragement to a young "pastor" living there.
Thanks for all the prayers for outreach in centro last night, God was amazing. Praise God, for leading us to the harvest fields. We got to preach to crowds that came to us. I think the enemy sent a discourager, but God used this guy to draw crowds and then have God's gospel preached. Of course there were many more opportunities God gave us as well. I am thankful that God is changing my heart and those that are going out with us. Before I think the discourager could have brought defeat, NOW we know that that is not possible. For God has given us victory over the enemy and that he uses all things for the good of those that love HIM.
I was not planning on preaching to crowds, and I think God decided otherwise. The man tried to preach history and garbage, but we just taught to the crowds JESUS!! He would bring up lies, but God would give us the truth to share. At one point I heard sirens, and thought I was headed to jail, but God let us go home free that night. I thank God for the work he is doing here in Guadalajara. There are very few Christians in this city, and God gave me the opportunity to share with many of them last night to GO and Preach.
Please pray for Roberto, a man that was walking with the Lord, but when his wife left him he went back to his worldly ways. He was reading our sign drinking a beer, and looking very depressed. He tried to hide from me, but not very well. In the course of our conversation God took him from complaining about his wife and pastor, to having hope and joy. We took him to the end of Romans 7-and he said that is me. I told him to keep reading about the hope for us. He began to become more and more excited. He had been warned from his pastor that his choices
would lead him to hell. So when I showed up he said he didn't care about going to hell, I told him I had a problem with that. By the end, I saw a man that God was restoring. I think that he saw that his feelings of abandonment was a lie, God sent us out to him in centro.
After talking he said, I am going to liga biblica to buy a Bible. I went there just a few days before and saw that they were closed until the 17, so I told him that God was giving him one here. We shared some more scriptures, he gave me a hug, and left a man with hope. I hope that makes sense, its one example of an amazing God we serve. Some of the girls got to share with indigenous women that are from Chiapas, the south of Mexico where there is much witchcraft and evil. I know we don't share too often what is going on here.
Thanks for your continued prayers and support. I am seeing how often God does miracles. We are seeing that here in Mexico, God answers prayers. Also please pray for Apolinar-that God would give him a heart for the lost and he would go and preach. We praise God for Ruth, a young hyper girl, who is on fire for Jesus and preaching HIS gospel. Before we went out, she spent hours preparing. We also thank God for Leshan, a woman who has a heart for Jesus and the Lost.
Pastor Nick and Shayne Paff
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11:56 AM
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
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11:38 PM
Whatever you do . . . Dont look back!
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5:03 PM
Monday, November 09, 2009
Stabbing Death in Daytona Beach Ministry Area
Daytona Beach Police Chief Mike Chitwood, backed by a dozen investigators during a press conference Sunday afternoon, announced the arrest of three South Daytona gang members for what he called the "cowardly, despicable, and sickening" murder of Robyn Munsch.
Munsch was pronounced dead at the scene just before 1 a.m. from a single stab wound that pierced her breast bone, the chief said.
Chitwood said investigators have charged Raymond North, 23, with premeditated first-degree murder. The chief said North, a "certified" member of the Crips gang, plunged a switchblade knife into Munsch's chest during a melee involving six to eight people just after midnight Saturday.
North also is accused of stabbing 22-year-old Desiree Juras and Jordan Hess, 18, both of South Daytona. They were treated at Halifax Health Medical Center with wounds not considered life-threatening.
Also arrested Sunday were Carl Beck, 20, and Dallas Mobbs, 20, as accessories after the fact for their role in the fight, Chitwood said. That included helping North escape from the scene.
The chief said all the people involved knew each other and some were at a party in Holly Hill on Saturday night. The fatal fight was sparked by a back and forth of text messages between Hess and a 19-year-old, Dustin Lind, about an unidentified juvenile girl. They agreed to meet behind the Bandshell at 70 N. Ocean Ave. to settle their issues.
"It is hard to believe a 16-year-old girl goes to a party then loses her life on the Boardwalk," Chitwood said.
Chitwood said investigators suspect North, Beck and Mobbs did not attend the party but showed up at the Bandshell to back up Lind as he defended himself against the perceived disrespect shown by Hess.
Beck was armed with a .380-caliber pistol, which he displayed but did not fire, and North had a switchblade knife, police said. The murder weapon was recovered at the scene.
The stabbings occurred as the victims were apparently beating Lind, the chief said.
After the attack, the suspects went back to their South Daytona apartment to coordinate a story to tell police. Chitwood said the three threatened witnesses with violence if they spoke about the fight.
He said while the stabbings were not specifically gang-related, the chief believes North, Mobbs and Beck, took the situation as an "opportunity to show how violent they are." Police said all three are affiliated with the Crips gang, considered one of the largest and most violent street gangs in the U.S.,
However, the first thing they did when confronted by officers at that their Bristol Bay apartment was to ask for their mothers, Chitwood said.
"A 20-year-old snuffs out someone's life and then is crying for his mommy," Chitwood said. "That is how tough they are."
All three suspects have several felony criminal arrests, Chitwood said.
"Beck just got out of jail four to six weeks ago for (what) I believe was identity theft," Chitwood said.
Records show Beck served two years in state prison for purse snatching, grand theft, credit card fraud and trafficking in stolen property.
The chief said his department's investigation is continuing and more charges are expected.
Chitwood said investigators were told Munsch was a "good kid" who has had some tough breaks. The 16-year-old attended Atlantic High School last year but was home-schooled this year. Her father died last year and her brother returned from Iraq wounded, and is currently being treated for his wounds.
A family friend, who declined to give his name, echoed the chief's description.
"She had a heart of gold," the man said while standing outside Munsch's grandmother's South Daytona home. "She would never do anything to hurt anybody and loved her pets and her family."
-- Staff Writer Kenya Woodard contributed to this report.
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7:24 PM