Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Thursday, December 23, 2010
"That I May Dwell Among You"
"And let them make me a sanctuary; that I may dwell among them. According to all that I shew thee, after the pattern of the tabernacle, and the pattern of all the instruments thereof, even so shall ye make it." Ex 25:8-9
God has always desired a place of habitation [or dwelling] amongst His people. The reason for this is because of God's great love for His creation and the deep sense of compassion towards us that has revealed since the beginning. This desire to "dwell among [us]" is expressed vividy in a study of the Tabernacle of Moses.
Years before I was ever in full-time ministry, I was introduced to some of the deep meanings of the tabernacle by my mother's sister, "Aunt Vee". She sahred with me some of the insiights that God had revealed to her through prayer and study and challenged me to dig even deeper into this amazing place of seeing Christ Jesus and the Cross expressed thousands of years before the incarnation.
This past year [2010] the Lord Jesus called me to a unique season of fasting. I heard Him say to me at the close of 2009, "I want you to fast half the year." What? I thought - six months of fasting and prayer? Is that possible or healthy! The Lord calmed my fears when He revealed to me that I would fast every other day for the whole year. So that is what I have done. It has truly been a challenging [and grace filled] experience that has produced a new level of diligence, determination, and perseverance. If I could use one word to discribe what He was working in me this past year it would be "discipline."
Hebrews 12:5-7
says, "My son, do not despise the chastening of the Lord, Nor be discouraged when you are rebuked by Him; For whom the Lord loves He chastens, and scourges every son whom He receives. If you endure chastening, God deals with you as with sons..."
Many times we associate chastening with something negative or as the result of some fault or error; but the Lord has revealed to me just the opposite this past year in a very humbling and encouraging way. He has so graciously allowed me to go through and endure some of the greatest trials and tribulations of my twenty years of full-time ministry.
The word chasten in the Greek is the word "paideian" and it means: to tutor, to nurture, educate and discipline
While 2010 brought forth a plethora of challenges - I can honestly say that the Spirit of the Lord truly served as a spiritual tutor and taught me some enormous lessons while providing the care and nurture that can only come from a true Father.
Having said that...
I fell that while 2010 was a year where fasting was central to God's directive for me [and the ministry] that the emphasis for 2011 will be one of prayer and deeper intimacy with Christ Jesus. Just as He provided a clear fasting directive for 2010 - I believe that 2011 will bring with it a clear prayer directive. [I think I know what He is saying, but I will wait to share it until it is certain - - it is challenging!]
Part of this directive will be to teach on the subject of the Tabernacle of Moses in 2011. I will most likely teach this and make it available LIVE by means of our webcast [] This will most likely be a daily class [Monday - Friday] and will then be made available for free download through our Raven Institute of Ministry & Biblical Studies []
I want to invite each of you to make prayer a greater emphasis than you ever have before in this coming year - and not just a time of endless petition or vain repetition - but rather a time of listening and learning from the Greatest Instructor one could ever have!
Looking forward to even deeper waters,
Pastor Troy D. Bohn
Raven Ministries International, Inc
PO Box 2102
Kenner, LA 70062
(504) 202-0939

God has always desired a place of habitation [or dwelling] amongst His people. The reason for this is because of God's great love for His creation and the deep sense of compassion towards us that has revealed since the beginning. This desire to "dwell among [us]" is expressed vividy in a study of the Tabernacle of Moses.
Years before I was ever in full-time ministry, I was introduced to some of the deep meanings of the tabernacle by my mother's sister, "Aunt Vee". She sahred with me some of the insiights that God had revealed to her through prayer and study and challenged me to dig even deeper into this amazing place of seeing Christ Jesus and the Cross expressed thousands of years before the incarnation.
This past year [2010] the Lord Jesus called me to a unique season of fasting. I heard Him say to me at the close of 2009, "I want you to fast half the year." What? I thought - six months of fasting and prayer? Is that possible or healthy! The Lord calmed my fears when He revealed to me that I would fast every other day for the whole year. So that is what I have done. It has truly been a challenging [and grace filled] experience that has produced a new level of diligence, determination, and perseverance. If I could use one word to discribe what He was working in me this past year it would be "discipline."
Hebrews 12:5-7

Many times we associate chastening with something negative or as the result of some fault or error; but the Lord has revealed to me just the opposite this past year in a very humbling and encouraging way. He has so graciously allowed me to go through and endure some of the greatest trials and tribulations of my twenty years of full-time ministry.
The word chasten in the Greek is the word "paideian" and it means: to tutor, to nurture, educate and discipline
While 2010 brought forth a plethora of challenges - I can honestly say that the Spirit of the Lord truly served as a spiritual tutor and taught me some enormous lessons while providing the care and nurture that can only come from a true Father.
Having said that...
I fell that while 2010 was a year where fasting was central to God's directive for me [and the ministry] that the emphasis for 2011 will be one of prayer and deeper intimacy with Christ Jesus. Just as He provided a clear fasting directive for 2010 - I believe that 2011 will bring with it a clear prayer directive. [I think I know what He is saying, but I will wait to share it until it is certain - - it is challenging!]
Part of this directive will be to teach on the subject of the Tabernacle of Moses in 2011. I will most likely teach this and make it available LIVE by means of our webcast [] This will most likely be a daily class [Monday - Friday] and will then be made available for free download through our Raven Institute of Ministry & Biblical Studies []
I want to invite each of you to make prayer a greater emphasis than you ever have before in this coming year - and not just a time of endless petition or vain repetition - but rather a time of listening and learning from the Greatest Instructor one could ever have!
Looking forward to even deeper waters,
Pastor Troy D. Bohn
Raven Ministries International, Inc
PO Box 2102
Kenner, LA 70062
(504) 202-0939
Posted by
1:55 AM
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Friday, December 17, 2010
James [JC] approached the Cross as we ministered the Gospel. He wanted to talk - so we took the time to listed and share the Word with him. He was raised in a "religious" home and was even sent to a Presbyterian boarding school. The problem was that he had many experiences with "religion" but never an encounter with JESUS [until this night!]
He said, "I think of committing suicide EVERY DAY." While we were praying for him, a demonized woman attack us! She attempted to knock down the Cross and actually struck the young man a number of times while screeming, "Satan is here... Satan is here."
Watch and see how things turned out...
Posted by
2:35 PM
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Wednesday, December 08, 2010
Tuesday, December 07, 2010
Worth Reposting This Year . . .
"Yesterday, 7 December 1941-a date which will live in infamy-the United States of America was
suddenly and deliberately attacked by naval and air forces of the Empire of Japan."

This was the opening statement on this date sixty-four years ago as President Franklin D. Roosevelt stood before the congress of the United States of America asking for a declaration of war against the nation of Japan, who a day earlier had attacked the naval station at Pearl Harbor in Hawaii.
160 aircraft were destroyed. 18 ships were sunk or severely damaged and the US suffered 3,581 casualties in this surprise attack on our nations soil. Or was it a "surprise attack" at all?
We know from history that the War had already began years earlier. We just chose to call it someone else's war. Just as long as it didn't effect us, we chose to honor a "neutrality agreement" to stay
out of the fight. German tanks had already rolled into Poland and Eastern Europe.

Many Jews had already been detained in Nazi concentration camps and many had perished in the gas chambers as well. Japan meanwhile was terrorizing the South Pacific and building an imperial juggernaut that would soon be emboldened to take on a world super-power on its own turf.
But, weeks in advance of the first Japanese Zeroes strike on the unsuspecting, early morning servicemen and women of Pearl Harbor, an encrypted message had been
intercepted and delivered to the Pentagon in Washington, D.C. for examination and determination. On January 27, 1941 Joseph C. Grew, the U.S. Ambassador to Japan, wired Washington that he had learned information that Japan was planning a surprise attack on Pearl Harbor.

No one in Washington believed him and most thought that if Japan was to attack any US interests that it would be in Manila, Philippines to disrupt naval routes. They were obviously wrong--even though they were rightly informed.History often has a way of repeating itself. While many in the US Military and government would acknowledge that their was the "potential" for an attack, their actions or inactions certainly told an altogether different story.

We sometimes feel like Joseph C. Crew as well. 2 Corinthians 5:20
says that we are "Ambassadors for Christ." We have been named, appointed, and commissioned as His "front-line" representatives in a very hostile environment. From our vantage point on the front-lines of the City of New Orleans and various other places that we regularly take the Gospel of Jesus Christ to--we have intercepted "data" that reveals (beyond a shadow of a doubt) that the enemy has planned a full-out aerial assault on our "soil."Yet, there is no urgency still.


The "Church" at large continues in its lackluster, mundane and often indifferent approach in winning people to Jesus Christ in these "last days." Maybe they have forgotten that these are the "last days."2 Peter 3:2-4
says, "I want you to recall the words spoken in the past by the holy prophets and the command given by our Lord and Savior through your apostles.

First of all, you must understand that in the last days scoffers will come, scoffing and following their own evil desires.They will say, "Where is this 'coming' he promised? Ever since our fathers died, everything goes on as it has since the beginning of creation."Much
of the Modern-Church has adopted this same mentality--just as it was prophesied that they would!

"If we ignore it, it might just go away" is the attitude that is prevalent in many circles. "That is such a negative message" is another common perspective as well.THIS AMBASSADOR has news for you though: The enemy has devised a plan to attack YOU and take YOU out once and for all.
The US thought that they were somehow out-of-reach and untouchable by their adversaries--and it took a catastrophe to wake them up to the realization that an invasion force desired to defeat them on their own turf.
We have got to get ready and launch a PREEMPTIVE STRIKE against the works of the devil BEFORE he invades and claims more lives! You can believe it or not--but from my perspective "on the front lines" there is an attack fast approaching on the horizon.
Posted by
3:08 PM
Monday, December 06, 2010
Kayla was recently invited by Pastor Don Eskine to speak at the Friday night service at the Jesus Miracle Power Discipleship & Recovery Center in New Orleans.
This is Part 1 & 2 of that service
Posted by
7:27 PM
Tag-Teaming for JESUS!
Pastor Jamie Sanders and Pastor Troy D. Bohn
Preaching the Word of God at
Raven Street Church: Bourbon Street Chapel
New Orleans, LA
Preaching the Word of God at
Raven Street Church: Bourbon Street Chapel
New Orleans, LA
Posted by
12:18 AM
Thursday, December 02, 2010
More from the Bayou Classic
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4:55 AM
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