Psalm 34:19
says, “Many are the afflictions of the righteous: but the Lord delivers him
out of them all.” This has certainly been true for us over the past several
months! These have been some of the most challenging
and revealing times that we have
had to face in many years – but oh – to see the Lord Jesus moving in what
others may see as disaster is such a blessing.

in late spring I suffered an inguinal
hernia while out playing basketball with Jered, Joshua and some of the guys
(I know, I know… I’m not twenty anymore!) I knew exactly what it was when it
happened because I had suffered a similar ordeal while pastoring in Texas many
years ago. I tried to remain hopeful and believe that it was merely a lower
abdominal strain or pulled groin muscle, but all the signs were there for a
really hit me pretty hard on several levels. (1) It was immediately very painful (2) I knew that my physical activities would now be severely
limited during a time that I needed to be a full strength (3) Short of a miracle, these things don’t “get better” or “go
away” with time – they require surgical repair and we do not have any health
To make matters worse (many
are the afflictions!) I woke up one morning with a pain between my shoulder
blades that just would not relent. Over the next few weeks it became completely
debilitating at times where I would have to get out of bed and just lay on the
floor all night. It got to the point where my left arm became virtually useless
(that is one of the reasons for no newsletter – I could not sit down at the
computer and do any typing)
So, here I was: A hernia that acted up primarily
when I stood for any length of time, walked any distance or spoke louder than a
whisper (and) a back problem that was excruciating when I stood, drove or
lifted my hands/arms to any degree. These
were all the things that the ministry requires of me on a daily basis!
But Glory to God… The Word says, Hebrews 5:8
“Though he
were a Son, yet learned he obedience by the things which he suffered.” My suffering certainly does not compare to
what our Lord endured for me or what many others have gone and go through – but
it still was sufficient to teach me obedience,
endurance and faithfulness as His son and servant (John 1:12

I have found… that Victory is always preceded by a Battle!
God is so good and I testify that part of that trial is over and the other part
soon will be. While I was going to a Christian chiropractor, sleeping with an
ice pack on my back, and doing just about anything for relief – nothing was
bringing any comfort.
Joseph told his
brothers… in Genesis
that “what they intended for evil…God meant it for good.” That is always
a great testimony when it applies to someone else – but not nearly as inviting
when we are the ones facing hardships. It was actually hardship that brought about healing
in the case of my back!

about three months my back grew increasing worse and the requirements of the
ministry grew increasingly greater. It was a battle to press through – but with
His grace and mercy I was able to endure. With my inability to even sit down
and even type out a newsletter, our communication from many of you that have
regularly supported us was effectively cut off. This caused a two-fold problem:
#1. We were not able to communicate
to you our specific prayer needs #2.
It has been our experience over the years, that many people wait for the
“envelope” to come in the mail to remind them to send their missions support to
the ministry.
What this did was to cut
our monthly support in half!
When that happens it affects everything else from putting gas in the van,
paying the light bill, buying ministry supplies and meeting personal needs. It
was one of those “personal needs” that had to be sacrificed during this time – yet it was the answer to my situation!
doctor that treats me for type 2 diabetes put me on a different medication this
past spring – not long before the hernia and the back problems. The medicine
was fairly pricey, but he thought that it might work well for me. About six weeks
ago I was just no longer able to pay for that medicine each month so I totally
stopped taking it. Before I knew it, the pain in my back was totally gone! For some strange reason
the pharmacy sent me a packet regarding the medicine when I failed to pick up
the refill and in it was a list of common side effects. The top two were… severe
back pain and weakened and painful extremities!
Needless to say – I made the decision to no longer
take that medicine or tell the
doctor! Well the testimony gets better. I went to the doctor a few weeks ago
for my regular blood work and he said, “Do you still take your glucose readings
at least twice per day?” I told him, “Yes, and sometimes more.” He said, “If I
were you I wouldn’t take them at all; with your numbers being what they now are
– it’s a waste of money.” I praise God for a hard time that opened the
door for a GOOD REPORT!
As for the hernia… I found a doctor in Nevada that is
going to do the surgery for 25% ($5000) of what it normally costs ($20,000). I
will be flying out this coming Sunday morning and returning home on the 8th.
A brother in the Lord blessed us by using his SkyMiles to purchase our airline tickets and a number of friends
have helped in getting the money together for the surgery! Please keep me in prayer
for the travel, the surgery and for a fast recovery from it all.
I’ve often had said to
me, “Just let us know how and when we can help in any way and we will.”
me be real with you all… with everything that has been happening – we found
ourselves looking at moving out of our house (with no place to go!) We’ve
always seen the Lord Jesus meet every need since we stepped out in obedience to
Him many years ago and have trusted His provision every step of the way.
is no different, but we have always been willing to do whatever is necessary to
preach the Gospel to the lost – even when it placed us in difficult situations
personally. That has not changed. We’ve been “homeless” before and continued to
minister the Word of God and would do it again if we thought that was what God
desired. I just don’t think that is the case right now.
the Apostle said in Philippians 4:11
, “…I have learned in whatever situation I
am to be content.”

are content in that our obedience is never dependent upon our circumstances,
but rather the directive placed upon us by the Holy Spirit. Having said that,
we found ourselves in a situation where we didn’t want to put our landlords in
a precarious situation (they are Christians) and would rather just move than
not be able to meet our obligation (we’ve lived here for 2 ½ years and have
been faithful tenants).
to be out of the state for this surgery and various other financial demands
have gotten us somewhat behind heading into the month of November. It may not
sound like a huge amount to many – but when “every nickel counts” it can seem
presently looking at needing round $850 in the next 24 hours to cover November’s
urgent expenses and are asking those that pray for and support this ministry if
they would be willing to make any investment to help ease this burden. Again, “every
nickel counts” and nothing is too small or meaningless.
best way to make it happen is through:
. and use as the recipient - -
this is a secure means to give by credit/debit card or electronic check and is
available immediately.
you so much for your love, prayers and generostity!
want to leave you with a few things…
This has been a very
interesting season (year) for us…
When Melanie and I returned to New Orleans from spending those four years
ministering in Florida, there were some things that the Lord laid upon my heart
that I just kept hidden in my heart and committed to prayer. In the past my
travel schedule throughout the year has stayed pretty busy with preaching
engagements and outreaches taking place from coast to coast.
I certainly enjoy going various places to preach the Gospel to the lost and to
train and equip others to do the same, I knew that the Lord was leading us to
truly invest locally here in New Orleans – and that the investment would make
an impact both on this City and across this nation. A few of the ways that this
has been happening are:
Redoubling our efforts in reaching into the
French Quarter and Bourbon Street. Years ago the Lord showed me that if we can
“bind the strongman” that has been central to that area then other powers and
principalities over this city would be broken. We are on Bourbon Street
ministering to an average potential audience of at least 40,000 people three
nights a week. Relationships have been built with many of those working in that
dark and depressing environment and hundreds of people are engaged in solid
Biblical discussions there at our cross each month.
Growing our CrossLife College & School of Urban Missions. This fully
accredited cohort operates in conjunction with SUM College & Seminary
(Oakland, CA) and is overseen here locally by Pastor Sam and Lucy Croghan. This
is our second year of operation and we are now recruiting students for our
Spring semester. CrossLife provides
another venue to train and equip future pastors,
teachers, youth leaders and missionaries all while experiencing the unique
ministry opportunities here in New Orleans.
After many challenges, roadblocks and rejections we finally
have a “place” to base some of our local ministry out of. We started leasing a
1200 square foot house from a local church back in August to serve as a base of
operation and facility to serve as home to our college and various other
ministry needs. It is small – but it is a start! “Do not despise the day of small beginnings!” Zechariah 4:10

A few weeks ago I was lead to Psalm 63:1-2
, “O God, thou art
my God; early will I seek thee: my soul thirsts for thee, my flesh longs for
thee in a dry and thirsty land, where no water is; To see thy power and thy
glory, so as I have seen thee
in the sanctuary.” I knew that the Holy Spirit was leading me to
begin leading an early morning prayer time for this city and for the needs of
others that are trusting Him for miracles and breakthrough. Each day a team
gathers from 5:00 AM – 7:00 AM (CST) to seek the Lord and intercede for “(His) power and (His) glory” to be
revealed. I’m convinced that it will be deliberate, diligent and desperate prayer
that brings about the transformation that many of us are trusting the Lord
Jesus for.

exciting part is
seeing how many are faithfully showing up early each day to pray! There is such
a hunger right now for more of Him and such a dedication to paying the price for His presence. An
old preacher once said, “You can gauge
the popularity of a preacher by who shows up on Sunday morning. You can gauge
the popularity of a Church by who comes out on Sunday night (and) you can tell
how popular Jesus is by who shows up for prayer meeting.”
send me your prayer requests to
put on our “prayer board.” These requests are lifted up faithfully every
day and we’re expecting
testimonies as to answered prayers, miracles and spiritual breakthrough.
other morning the
Lord showed me a vision of 100 prayer warriors gathered in New
Orleans praying and believing the Lord for an outpouring! We’re
going to need a bigger place to meet when that happens!
love you,
Troy & Melanie Bohn
Box 2102
LA 70063