Several years ago the Lord began speaking into my spirit, “Its BIGGER than you think!” Not only did He speak this word directly to me, but on several occasions I would have a minister or an individual come up to me and say, “The Lord wants you to know that it is bigger than you think.”
Well, we are definitely starting to see the manifestation of this word. Our hearts desire has been to see the ministry of RAVEN as a network and resource of evangelism and ministries stretching across this nation and beyond.
Our desire has been to model the Luke 5:1-10

We’re looking to set up an annual event(s) in their area (Baltimore, and Washington D.C.) to serve as a means to gather soul winners into those fertile fields along the Eastern Seaboard.
If you are in their area, contact me and I will put you in touch with them.

Bill Luther and Rod Sickels are two precious men of God. We actually first met during this years Mardi Gras after they were invited by Raven Midwest director, Terry Shuff.
These men are just passionate about Jesus and desiring to do more than just the same-old-worn-out religion. They want to make an impact for the Kingdom of God by making an impact in people’s lives.
We are going to begin working to help establish RAVEN DETROIT in the next few weeks.
Terry Shuff will be heading up there for me in April to scout out some areas of need in the city for us to hit with the Gospel. (I told him to find us the rankest and raunchiest area to start with!)
As John Wesley said, “Don’t just go to them that need you. Go to them that need you the most.”
Rudy Gonzales, RAVEN WEST COAST,
called me just the other day from the Philippines. He will be there until the middle of April. Please be praying for him that God will open up many doors of opportunity to share Christ. Also pray for Lori and the girls (Maddie and CeCe) while he is out of the country.
God is “lengthening our cords and expanding the places of tents.” Pray for the net to be cast broader!
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