(Above) Some of the team begin sitting up one of the ministry tents on the beach in preparation for the first day of outreach.
(Above) Kayla praying with a group of teenagers out on the beach during the first day of Beach Reach 2006 in Daytona Beach, Florida.
We are blessed to join Pastor Frank Greshem and the host church, Jesus Centre Ministries, for Raven's first Daytona Beach Outreach. There are about 50-60 people here in the city for the next week of outreach and they are all excited and ready to "win some people to Jesus."
We kicked off last night with an awesome time of worship and an introductory word from Pastor Frank before getting into full swing on Friday morning. The teams broke into two main groups and set up two main "ministry bases" along the beach line. These ministry tents provided a meeting place for the teams, a place to give out free water to those on the beach, a prayer-stop, give-a-ways, and Bible and tract distribution site.
Our teams then went off to witness to and pray for the crowds that gather this weekend for the 4th of July Holiday and for the Firecracker 400 NASCAR race held at the Daytona International Speedway.
Mark Johnson and myself quickly found ourselves witnessing to an off duty police officer and were able to share the Word with him and pray for him there on the beach. After we finished ministering to him we continued down the shore and then made our way back. A lady approached Kayla and I and asked, "Did I see you praying for a man a minute ago?" We answered in the affirmative and she said, "Wow, I have never seen anyone doing that out here before."
We were able to share with here and also pray for her mom, Claire, how had just gone through back surgery.
Later, as we were up near Atlantic Avenue, Mark approached a woman in front of the Starbuck's and asked if she needed anything. He went inside and bought here a cup of coffee. I was then able to talk with her and found that she had been homeless here in the city for the past month. She had lived in NYC, but had left after the breakup of an abusive marriage.
Pastor Frank and I then prayed for her and directed her to a place where she could get off the streets and gave her our numbers to reach us as well. Please keep her in prayer!
I was blessed to be able to share the Word of God with the group in the evening ministry/equipping time before the team loaded up to go to the ocean front and minister to the crowd gathered for the open air Alabama concert being held there at the amphitheater.
I'll get you more updates as the week progresses!
Pastor Troy D. Bohn- Raven Ministries Int'l
1 comment:
Amen and PTL....wish i was out there with you, preachin and SAVING SOULS but am standing with you all in prayer for the beach outreach. God belss you all as ugo4God....your sis Deb
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