Thursday, September 28, 2006
Daytona Beach Outreach
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2:44 PM
Sunday, September 24, 2006
Raven Midwest Making News in Indiana

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5:42 PM
Monday, September 18, 2006
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10:11 AM
Friday, September 15, 2006
Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Seeing the images of the towers burning on television, I remembered how they once dominated the NYC skyline when I first went to witness there with my friend, Bobby Chance, years ago and met David Odel (above) as we shared Jesus in the Cherry Street projects just a short walking distance from the Twin Towers. I remember when I took my daughter Kayla with me on outreach to NYC and she snapped a picture of me on the Staten Island ferry with Manhattan Island over my shoulder---and knowing that the Twin Towers and nearly 3,000 lives would never again grace the lens of another camera.

I remember taking the first "Boys are Back In Town" outreach team (above) to New York City this past year and seeing the expressions on these men's faces as we walked towards the ominous hole in the ground once occupied by the cities talelst structures. I remember praying with Eian (above) from Tel Aviv, Israel who had just made his frist visit to NYC and I remember taking my son, Jered with me to the city several years ago to minister.

I remember standing in from of the Ground Zero location with my nephews, Justin Bohn and Brandon Romero (above) and having the cross-shaped steel girder that served as a reminder in those desperate hours following the terrorist attack--that Jesus was our only hope against the true terrorist--satan.
Over the years we had many people come to Jesus Christ on the streets of New York City. Many other street ministries and evangelist can give testimony of the same truth. I wonder to myself--had any of the thousands that perished that dreadful day prayed to receive Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior because someone took the time to venture beyond their comfort zones and tell them about the only way to obtain eternal life?
We go. It's worth it.
If you will keep supporting the outreach and evangelism efforts of Raven Ministries International we will continue to "Go and tell" all the world that Jesus still saves!
Pastor Troy D. Bohn
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3:29 AM
Sunday, September 10, 2006
September Miracles

With all of the physical attacks that I faced--people were coming to Jesus in droves! Jered (my son) and I had just returned home from an outreach in New York City, we were hitting the streets constantly in New Orleans and were seeing tons of people kneel right on Bourbon Street and ask Jesus to come into their lives!
Praise God that He delivered me from that trial and in the process I lost a much needed fifty pounds and have never felt better in my life now! Those were some tough times--but my God is always tougher!
In September of 2003 Melanie and I resigned from our pastorate in Amarillo, Texas where I had served for over 13 years. It was the church that God had allowed us to plant, in the same building that I had gotten saved, baptized and married in! God was doing amazing things there and had blessed us with an awesome church family and fulfilling ministry. But God...had other things for us to do!
I really want to thank all of you that have stuck by us, prayed for us, supported us and been with us through so many Septembers! I know that the best is yeat to come and that we can all look with great anticipation for God to reveal Himself in a more glorious and intimate way as we press into His presence and pursue His will daily.
We need your continued prayer and support for the ever-increasing work that God has entrusted to us. You are the one's that God has called to partner with us for this end times harvest and we are asking you to pray about be a part of another September Miracle for the work of Raven Ministries International.
We love and appreciate you so much and may God bless and anoint you mightily!
Pastor Troy D. Bohn
"You can give securely online by credit/debit card or electronic check by clicking the make a donation button or by sending your tax deductible gift to our mailing address below."
119 S. S. Palmetto Ave #152
Daytona Beach, Florida 32114
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10:25 PM
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12:26 PM
Monday, September 04, 2006
Labor Day Outreach in Daytona Beach, Florida

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9:09 PM
Friday, September 01, 2006

Acts 26:16-18

I can almost see Paul the Apostle as he stood before King Agrippa and began to give his powerful testimony of coming face-to-face with the blinding presence of the Lord Jesus Christ as he journeyed on the road to Damascus that day. A man in possession of a great mind, impeccable credentials, wealth and authority—suddenly found himself prone on the ground and hearing the voice of the King of Kings speaking directly to him in the midday.
With all of his plans, and with all of his ideologies and with all of his successes—he could not deny the voice of the one who spoke and formed both the heavens and the earth. This man of unequaled religious training, who was driven by a purpose that seemed both noble and of great benefit to his people had now been seized by something that would far transcend anything that he could have ever imagined.
Wherein he had once been driven by a sense of duty, personal ambition and misplaced motivation– he was now being given one solitary purpose to take the Glorious Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ to the Nations of the Word! In this day and age the adage “driven” has been adopted by every facet of society—including the church! It is said of a person who is totally devoted to his career and the financial rewards that accompany it: He is driven!
The woman who is in pursuit of a romantic relationship with a particular man is said it be “driven.” To be driven to or by something is to be moved and motivated by what you are doing or hope to accomplish, but when you are given to something or to someone—the pressure to perform is removed and you can just simply be who you have been called to be!
I have said many times in regards to the ministry of the Lord Jesus Christ that it is not what we do, but rather who we are! When you have given yourself to something, or in this case someone (Jesus) that which follows is merely the product of what and who you have become through the regeneration of the blood of Jesus! Being driven by something (regardless of how moral or noble it may be) can inadvertently lead to developing a works mentality in relationship to being obedient to the call and commission of Christ Jesus to reach the world with the Good News of Salvation.
When you are given to something—doing and being-are just a natural extension of your Born Again Self. Consider this text of scripture: 1 Corinthians 6:20

To be bought speaks of surrendering title, deed, and ownership of something to the purchaser. Once bought the owner can exercise any decision relative to his property. If it be piece of land; he builds what he desires. If it be a vehicle; he drives it to his choice of destinations.
Acts 20:28

When ownership is transferred through the free will of a person and the exercise of faith towards God—then the rights of ownership are acquired by the purchasing party who then has all rights to determine how and what this acquisition will be utilized. While we are not under bondage to any law—Jesus has established the one true reason or purpose in offering up the ultimate price for you and I.
Just because that was the purpose in which Paul was given to, does that mean we have been given the same purpose? There is a good way to find out! Let’s look in the Bible! In 1 Corinthians 11:1

The American Heritage Dictionary offers up these definitions of the word imitate: to use or follow as a model, to copy the actions, mannerisms, or speech of, to copy exactly; to reproduce.
That last one sure hits home! Seeing that we were created in His image and likeness and are His offspring created or reproduced by His Spirit. We are then told by Paul to “be a copy of Him” in the way that he was given to be a “copy of Jesus.” What was it that Jesus was given for then?
Jesus Himself answered that question for us when He said in:
Luke 4:18-19

Jesus certainly made it easy to see the reason that He came or for what purpose in which He was given: To Preach the Gospel! That is the Purpose Given to Him and by extension—the same purpose given to all who would be followers of Christ. Now THAT is as simple as it gets.
Related Texts:
John 3:17

The words of Jesus in these verses and the testimony of Paul before King Agrippa are an echo of one another and our lives and purpose should be the continuation of that exact same echo. “The Spirit of the Lord” was upon Jesus to anoint Him to preach the Gospel. Now consider this:
Romans 8:11

Does the same Spirit that indwells Jesus dwell in you? If it does then you have been anointed and given to one purpose according to the Word of God—to bring people into His Kingdom through the sharing of the Word of God with them.
I gave a man a car one time and a few months later he called to see if I would mind him giving it to someone else. I said, “I gave it to you to do whatever you want to do with it. Its yours.”
Why is it that we “give Jesus our lives” and then spend the remainder of our years telling Him what He needs to do with His property! I think the problem is that too few actually have signed over their lives to him and embraced the purpose given to us. We’ve instead loaned it to Him with the hope that He would carry the insurance and somehow accept responsibility without authority.
I John 4:1

There are mimics and there are imposters. There are the purpose driven and there are the purpose given. Which one will you be?
Posted by
10:24 PM