It is becoming increasingly evident to me that the "god of this world has blinded those who do not believe,so that they will not be able to see the light of the Gospel..." (2 Cor 4:4

This weekend, I will be with a team in the City of New Orleans to minister on the streets during the annual "Voodoo Fest" which occurs every year just prior to Halloween. Organizers would says that this is merely a "music festival" and that the term "Voodoo" is just a gimic that is used to draw attention to this event.

What they wont tell you is that genuine New Orleans voodoo priests and priestessess are brought in to "bless" the event--and these folks are not just acting. They take their "voodoo" very serious. What they may have failed to realize though--is that we take our JESUS VERY SERIOUS and have no fear or reservations when it comes to standing toe-to-toe with a defeated foe (satan).
By the time that most of you read this blog entry, my team from Daytona Beach will be on the road making the (10) hour drive to New Orleans and a team from Raven Fairfield (led by Pastor Meredith Lindsey) will be heading that way as well to connect with us. We will all then spend the next (3) days taking the uncompromising, power-packed message of the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the tens of thousands who are being duped by satan's deceitful plan.
We are expecting the Holy Ghost to "show up and show out" in a powerful way and we expect to reap a tremendous harvest of souls during the next three days of ministry at the Voodoo Fest location in New Orleans' City Park and during our late nights (early mornings) on Bourbon Street in the French Quarter.
I need YOUR help too. In addition to your PRAYERS, we desperately need your FINANCIAL SUPPORT. "You, know all about my teaching, my way of life, my purpose, faith, patience, love, endurance, persecutions, sufferings-- what kinds of things happened to me... the persecutions I endured. Yet the Lord rescued me from all of them." 2 Timothy 3:10-11

We are going ahead and hitting the road in faith---real faith! I am jsut going to stand beleiving that God will speak to the heart of someone that will be obedient to His voice on this and will help the ministry cover the estimated $500 needed to get this done.
You can give your donation on-line (where it will be available immediately) by clicking on the PayPal dontation button to the right (or) by mailing you love gift to:
Raven Ministries International, Inc
P.O. Box 1897
Daytona Beach, Fl 32115
Anything that you can do will be much appreciated and very helpful!