When Jered and Kayla were little, they would often come to me the day before Christmas and ask, “Can we please just open one of our gifts before the morning?” Every time that they would ask the question I always answered, “Yes” and would give them hints as to the one to choose that would bring them the most joy that night.
Jered is now grown and has moved away and Kayla is nearly eighteen years old—but she will still ask the question, “Daddy can I open one?” Now when she asks it is more for the sake of teasing with me than really wanting to open a gift early—but it still delights my heart when she asks—and I still want to offer “hints” as to the gift that would bring her the most joy.
Jered is now grown and has moved away and Kayla is nearly eighteen years old—but she will still ask the question, “Daddy can I open one?” Now when she asks it is more for the sake of teasing with me than really wanting to open a gift early—but it still delights my heart when she asks—and I still want to offer “hints” as to the gift that would bring her the most joy.
When the Lord Jesus came, He came as God’s gift of mercy and salvation to mankind. He was wrapped in compassion, but instead of being placed neatly under a Christmas Tree, He was nailed to a tree (The Cross).
When the Lord Jesus came, He came as God’s gift of mercy and salvation to mankind. He was wrapped in compassion, but instead of being placed neatly under a Christmas Tree, He was nailed to a tree (The Cross).
The gift of salvation is one that has been hand delivered by the Lord Himself and He awaits those who would come and say, “Can I open one tonight Daddy?”
The gift of salvation is one that has been hand delivered by the Lord Himself and He awaits those who would come and say, “Can I open one tonight Daddy?”
Like me with Jered and Kayla, He has pointed the way to the “very best” gift, but (just like me with Jered and Kayla) He has left the ultimate decision up to them as to whether or not they will choose His gift.
Like me with Jered and Kayla, He has pointed the way to the “very best” gift, but (just like me with Jered and Kayla) He has left the ultimate decision up to them as to whether or not they will choose His gift.
When you do ministry such as we do and you always work to bring the best gifts to those who are the most needy, it does hurt sometime when they refuse the priceless gift of salvation and instead turn to the cheap “trinkets” that the world adorns with things meant to appeal to the flesh.
When you do ministry such as we do and you always work to bring the best gifts to those who are the most needy, it does hurt sometime when they refuse the priceless gift of salvation and instead turn to the cheap “trinkets” that the world adorns with things meant to appeal to the flesh.
Jered and Kayla would sometimes go it alone and open a gift other than the one I pointed out to them—and more often than not they were disappointed.
Jered and Kayla would sometimes go it alone and open a gift other than the one I pointed out to them—and more often than not they were disappointed.
Instead of the new toy or game, they would open the BIGGER box, thinking that “bigger must be better”, only to discover a pair of shoes or pajamas!
Instead of the new toy or game, they would open the BIGGER box, thinking that “bigger must be better”, only to discover a pair of shoes or pajamas!
“Can we open one more daddy?,” would always be their plea—to which I would say, “Not tonight. Daddy tried to tell you which one to choose, but you didn’t listen.”
“Can we open one more daddy?,” would always be their plea—to which I would say, “Not tonight. Daddy tried to tell you which one to choose, but you didn’t listen.”
Has your “Daddy” been speaking to you about choosing the “gift” that He has especially prepared to bring the most joy to your life (and to others), yet you have continued to go it alone and continue to end up disappointed in the choices that you make?
This is a BRAND NEW YEAR where He is once again leading you to the tree (The Cross) and pointing to the best gift. Will you believe Him this year? You won’t be disappointed if you do.
This is a BRAND NEW YEAR where He is once again leading you to the tree (The Cross) and pointing to the best gift. Will you believe Him this year? You won’t be disappointed if you do.
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