Mark 2:1-4
says, "When Jesus returned to Capernaum several days later, the news spread quickly that he was back home. Soon the house where he was staying was so packed with visitors that there was no more room, even outside the door. While he was preaching God's word to them, FOUR men arrived carrying a paralyzed man on a mat.4 They couldn't bring him to Jesus because of the crowd, so they dug a hole through the roof above his head. Then they lowered the man on his mat, right down in front of Jesus."
Dear Friends -
Many of your either know Sue Scott personally, correspond with her on FB, or might have seen or heard about this dear sister in Jesus on my FB page in the past few months. Sue has been involved with RAVEN Ministries since it was founded in Amarillo, Texas back in the Mid 90's. Her friendship, encouragment and FAITH are truly legendary! I have seen her stand for miracle after miracle for so many people and have seen first hand the fruit of her intercession and travail. Now - it is her that needs OUR FAITH to become legendary in JESUS.
Her son-in-law (and my son in the Gospel) Pastor Alex Hill called me this afternoon and I was immediately alerted by the tone of his voice that something was deeply concerning him. "We need some serious and urgent prayer", he said. "Sue is not doing good at all and she has been in and out of it all day long," he added. He asked if we would stand in prayer for Sue with He and Holly if he went in where she was and put the phone on speaker. Melanie and Kayla and I were in the car and we joined with them in prayer for Sue's healing!
Some of you may not know that she has been battling Stage (5) cancer and "medically speaking" - they have not given her much hope (if any), but I am not in the medical field - - I am in the JESUS FIELD and so is our dear friend and sister, Sue Scott.
When we hung up from prayer, the Lord immediately impressed upon Melanie and I that we needed to get in the car and drive the 600 miles to Daytona and stand in faith with Pastor Alex and Holly for her mom's healing and to encourage them in the Lord as well.
I was quickened to the above passage from Mark chapter (2) and opened to it. The third verse gave me pause, "four men (or friends) arrived carrying their friend." I felt like shouting out, "Melanie and I are the other two friends!" In the next hour, we are going to get in the car and head east towards Daytona to be with Sue and "tear through the roof" and believe God for her healing!
Just yesterday the Spirit of the Lord lead me to a passage from 1 Corinthians 16:9
"For a great and effective door has opened to me, and there are many adversaries." - - He was telling me that the "doors" or "passage ways" into the greatest, most effective, and most powerful - - will always be marked by a "formidable adversary" just on the other side. I consider this one of those doors - - and that lying devil of cancer one of those adversaries!
Lately God has truly been building our faith up. He has had me fasting every other day this whole year to bring a greater level of personal discipline in my life. He has called me back into the thick or things in the midst of this Nations most notorious proving ground (Bourbon Street in New Orleans) and has allowed me to see homosexuals and heroin addicts set free through the power of the Blood of Jesus! He has strengthened us physically, deepened us spiritually, and provided for us financially. God is Good and its ALL THE TIME!
The Lord spoke a word to me way back in 2003, "Expectancy is the birthplace for the miraculous and there is a greater reality than what you SEE and that is what I have SAID." God has proven this to us time and again - and we are convinced of these things:
Numbers 23:19
"God is not a man, that he should lie; neither the son of man, that he should repent: hath he said, and shall he not do it? or hath he spoken, and shall he not make it good?"
Romans 4:20-21
"He staggered not at the promise of God through unbelief; but was strong in faith, giving glory to God;21 And being fully persuaded that, what he had promised, he was able also to perform."
Please pray for us and especially stand with us in intercession for Sue Scott (please pass it on and lets bombard heaven on her behalf!) We do not know how long we will have to be gone, but if you would like to help in any way with the expenses - any missions giving would be greatly appreciated.
Pastor Troy D. Bohn
Servant of Jesus &
Director: Raven Ministries International, Inc.
PO Box 2102
Kenner, LA 70062
You can give securely online by going to: and clicking on the "Make A Donation" button.

Dear Friends -
Many of your either know Sue Scott personally, correspond with her on FB, or might have seen or heard about this dear sister in Jesus on my FB page in the past few months. Sue has been involved with RAVEN Ministries since it was founded in Amarillo, Texas back in the Mid 90's. Her friendship, encouragment and FAITH are truly legendary! I have seen her stand for miracle after miracle for so many people and have seen first hand the fruit of her intercession and travail. Now - it is her that needs OUR FAITH to become legendary in JESUS.
Her son-in-law (and my son in the Gospel) Pastor Alex Hill called me this afternoon and I was immediately alerted by the tone of his voice that something was deeply concerning him. "We need some serious and urgent prayer", he said. "Sue is not doing good at all and she has been in and out of it all day long," he added. He asked if we would stand in prayer for Sue with He and Holly if he went in where she was and put the phone on speaker. Melanie and Kayla and I were in the car and we joined with them in prayer for Sue's healing!
Some of you may not know that she has been battling Stage (5) cancer and "medically speaking" - they have not given her much hope (if any), but I am not in the medical field - - I am in the JESUS FIELD and so is our dear friend and sister, Sue Scott.
When we hung up from prayer, the Lord immediately impressed upon Melanie and I that we needed to get in the car and drive the 600 miles to Daytona and stand in faith with Pastor Alex and Holly for her mom's healing and to encourage them in the Lord as well.
I was quickened to the above passage from Mark chapter (2) and opened to it. The third verse gave me pause, "four men (or friends) arrived carrying their friend." I felt like shouting out, "Melanie and I are the other two friends!" In the next hour, we are going to get in the car and head east towards Daytona to be with Sue and "tear through the roof" and believe God for her healing!
Just yesterday the Spirit of the Lord lead me to a passage from 1 Corinthians 16:9

Lately God has truly been building our faith up. He has had me fasting every other day this whole year to bring a greater level of personal discipline in my life. He has called me back into the thick or things in the midst of this Nations most notorious proving ground (Bourbon Street in New Orleans) and has allowed me to see homosexuals and heroin addicts set free through the power of the Blood of Jesus! He has strengthened us physically, deepened us spiritually, and provided for us financially. God is Good and its ALL THE TIME!
The Lord spoke a word to me way back in 2003, "Expectancy is the birthplace for the miraculous and there is a greater reality than what you SEE and that is what I have SAID." God has proven this to us time and again - and we are convinced of these things:
Numbers 23:19

Romans 4:20-21

Please pray for us and especially stand with us in intercession for Sue Scott (please pass it on and lets bombard heaven on her behalf!) We do not know how long we will have to be gone, but if you would like to help in any way with the expenses - any missions giving would be greatly appreciated.
Pastor Troy D. Bohn
Servant of Jesus &
Director: Raven Ministries International, Inc.
PO Box 2102
Kenner, LA 70062
You can give securely online by going to: and clicking on the "Make A Donation" button.
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