“The Florida Healing Revival”
“The Florida Healing Revival”
We have received numerous questions over the past several weeks concerning what has been called “The Florida Healing Revival” or the “Great Florida Outpouring”. This “outpouring” started a few weeks back at Ignited Church in Lakeland, Florida and has continued non-stop ever since.
Tens of thousands of people have flocked to the Sunshine State to see and experienced what some involved in the revival as “the third wave” or “the winds of change.” GODTV (Europe) is broadcasting the two daily services and the event can also be followed via live webcast at 10:00 AM & 7:00 PM (Eastern).
Pastor Troy D. Bohn, the director of Raven Ministries International, and the host of the daily broadcast of the Raven Institute of Ministry & Biblical Studies will host a 90 minute look at this revival, those involved, and the Biblical response to this move which is spreading like wildfire.
Pastor Troy will be joined by both in-studio guests and by others via live web-stream.
You can join the discussion by going to www.BigGrace.com and then click on RAVEN TV. The program will air LIVE from 8:30 – 10:00 PM (Eastern) and the audio portion will be available for free download from our site afterwards.
Email your friends and family and tell them to join in for this investigative look into what many see as the most miraculous move of the Spirit since Pentecost. You will not want to miss it!