Wednesday, December 07, 2005

A message from Kayla

Since Hurricane Katrina hit things have been a little C-R-A-Z-Y around New Orleans—but I have loved every minute of it!
Just being able to see the faces of people when we are able to give them a new pair of shoes or a case of bottles water is a blessing. Sometimes it is when you are going through things yourself, it is the best time to focus on helping other people.

Recently I had the opportunity to preach at a New Creation Christian Academy in Elkhart, Indiana. I spoke to the kids there during their 8:00 AM and 1:00 PM chapel times. I really enjoyed it and they seemed to really be interested in what I had to say that day—hopefully I’ll be able to go back again one day.

I talked to them out of 1 Timothy 4:12 which says, “Don’t let anybody put you down just because you are young—but YOU set the standard for them to follow in the way that YOU live and obey the truth in God’s Word.”

It has been awesome to go and do the things for Jesus that you read about in the Bible; like go and minister on the streets of Los Angeles, New York City and here in New Orleans. You may not have the chance to go to places like that yourself—but that should never keep you from getting on Fire for Jesus right where you are now in your life.

Thank you everyone who have called or written to us! I love you! Kayla Bohn

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