Pastor Terry Shuff of Raven Midwest reported to me from the streets of Elkhart, Indiana on Friday night. He called while standing oout in front of a local bar---just where I want our Raven leaders at (where the need is!) He had to let me go as patrons that he had previously witnessed to were coming out. We need some Raven Midwest'ers to commit to hitting it on Fridays with Bro. Terry!
On my last visit to Indiana I was astounded at the amount of drug and gang activity in a community this size. We have been given a mandate to take the Gospel to the lost and dying of this generation and this City is prime for a move of God. Help!
Pastor Rudy Gonzales of Raven West Coast reports another powerful night of outreach in the Papago Ct. area of Santa Rosa, CA. This neigborhood once known as the center of gang and drug violence, is now seeing revival break loose as hundreds are being fed (both physically and spiritually) each week. This past Thursday there were (12) who stepped forward to give their hearts to Jesus! Hey thats the number of disciples that Jesus chose!
Keep Bro. Rudy and the West Coast team lifted up in prayer as they face as much opposition from the local liberal church as they do from the devil!
Blessings PT, my dear brother, :) thanks for profiling Brother Rudy and all the other Raven mighty men of God. It is uplifting and encouraging to me, a woman, to see so many men steping out in faith, in the power of God to witness and save souls. God bless each and evey one of you, each step and breath you take. i am praying for you all, for your wives and families. Thanks. your sister Deb
thanx for the "handwritten" letter that we recieved via snail mail this past week Deb. I really enjoyed just getting to know more about your testimony, et al. You are so right about the "men of God." When I was growing up and going to "sunday school" as a kid--church was "for women." The men stayed home and the wife/mother went and got "enough religion for the whole family." This produced a generation of powerless men, rebellious children, and wearied women. I have endeavored to challenge AND mentor men into being MEN of God and not just some limp-wristed, know-nothings. It is a blessing to FINALLY see MEN stepping up to the plate and doing what God has called them to do. This TRULY will empower the women of God ot be MORE effective in the callings that He has placed upon their lives as well because the divine order is being established. THANK YOU so much for your heart and dedication my sister--you are a blessing and an inspiration!
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