Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Prayer Request

This is my grandmother, Myrza Tow, who just turned 101 years old on June 17th. This past week she fell from her wheelchair and broke her leg at the ankle. She also injured her arm in the fall as well. This was very traumatic to her whole body and she is now doing very poorly.
They have now moved her to a hospice location and have sedated her to cope with the pain of the injury. They are not able to set the leg because of the brittleness of her bones due to her age. My mother called me earlier today and said that they were calling the family together because it didn't appear that she had long to live.
My grandmother has obviously lived a very long life. She was actually born just a few months after the beginning of the Azusa Street Revival broke out in Los Angeles in 1906. She has given her life to Jesus and I am confident that she is spiritually ready to go. My concern is not if she goes, but how she goes to be with the Lord.
Too many times those working in hospice enviroments try to play a god-like role when there is someone there of my grandmother's age and condition. They will sometimes "medicate" them to the degree that they are basically "overdosed" and their body shuts down prematurely---even if only days or weeks prematurely.
My grandmother has lived too long, and has exeperienced too much in her life to enter eternity oblivious to her surroundings and to her family. Please pray with me that if this is her time to go and be with Jesus--then they will not have to over-medicate her to combat the pain and that her final hours or days will be with the same sharpness of mind that she has had for over 100 years. She deserves that much.
Thank you,
Pastor Troy D. Bohn

1 comment:

UGO4GOD said...

in the name of Jesus!

Pastor Rudy