Saturday, April 18, 2009

Pastor Troy & Pastor Scott in Turkey Ministering

The ruins of ancient Biblical city of Epehesus. This place is amazing and is truly remarkable. I stood in front of these ruins and read aloud the warning that Jesus gave to John in the book of the Revelation while thousands passed by.

Hundreds of thousands of people visit these placesfrom around the world without really ever knowing the significance of them. Paul the Apostlr walked these EXACT same steps to preachand minister to the estimated 400,000 people!

There are ancient ruins throughout this nation. There are none like them anywhere---even in Israel. This is the place that the Church was birthed in the 1st Century.

This is one of the many places that Paul the Apostled sailed from. We came here to minister to and encourrage a Christian couple that run a roadside stand near here who are being heavily persecuted because of their faithin Christ. Of the 80,000,000 Turks--only an estimated 3500 claim to beleive in Jesus as Lord and Savior---we are trying to change that.

1 comment:

RAVEN Deb said...