While working on one of his many scientific projects, a benevolent and intelligent man made a discovery that could possibly change the future and fortunes of untold millions. “How do I get this incredible information to the most people,” he reasoned to himself? This news is so valuable that it must be made available to everyone without delay he determined.
“I know!” he exclaimed! “I will go about my everyday life and as I make friends with people and build relationships with them – I will eventually get around to telling them this profound news!”
“I can just apply this discovery to my own life and over time people will see the great affect that it has had upon me and they’ll curiously ask me about it!”
“I can go to a local park, smile at people and offer them a cup of cold water to drink! I could even tell them how much they are loved and place a smiley faced sticker on their clothing. Surely THAT would be the most effective way of getting this information to the most people!”
After deeper consideration he came up with an ingenious plan that would enable his discovery to impact the multitudes! “I alone could not possible disseminate this information to the masses . It will require the ability to spread this good news in many different directions simultaneously!”
Soon the man had a tremendous warehouse built and he purchased a state of the art printing press that would duplicate his discovery upon newsprint! The newsprint with the discovery printed upon it could then be circulated to every corner of the globe!
Within a few short weeks the warehouse was built, the printing press was installed and copies of the printed discovery were being churned out by the thousands. “Even though I am able to print thousands of papers here; there are BILLIONS of people needing to know about this discovery.”
He had a new idea! “I will build MORE warehouses! Not just here, but in neighborhoods and in strip malls and on major highways! I won’t just build large warehouse, but also small and medium warehouses as well and I will install a suitable printing press in each and every one!”
Soon tens of thousands of warehouses were built and an equal number of printing presses were installed – but wait, he realized that he would need laborers to help in the reproduction process. He quickly got the word out that there were jobs available at his air-conditioned warehouses. They would only have to work one or at the most two days per week and they would be doing a great service to their communities and to the world!
Thousands flocked to fill the positions and soon the work of printing the great discovery was underway. It wasn’t long before the warehouses were filled with freshly printed papers announcing the great discovery. The man was elated at his work. “Soon the whole world will hear about and experience for themselves this great discovery.”
But wait! Now that the printing was complete – the great discovery was merely stacked in piles in his cozy warehouses. While the printing was of excellent quality and the quantity was more than adequate – those needing to read them were not in possession of the great discovery.
Alas an idea! The man gathered up all of the workers that had come to fill the warehouse and printing positions, “Now that you have read the discovery and have seen the great need for all to experience it as well. Now that the work of gathering the information and readying it for distribution is complete – I need a show of hands of all of those who would be willing to take the stacks and share them among the people.”
Expecting everyone to volunteer for the task – the man was shocked when not one of the workers volunteered to distribute the great discovery.
“I am not really a distributor” said one. “I didn’t hire on for that job” replied another. “I thought this was a once hired always hired place to work – now you are asking me to leave and do something else” exclaimed another.
One by one each offered their own excuse as to why they could not join in taking the great discovery out to where the man had expected it to go. They all returned to their posts and continued to print and to stack. When their warehouse was full, they would simply add on to make room for more stacks of the undistributed discovery.
Occasionally one of the printed copies will find its way out of the warehouse and into the hands of those that it was designed to be read by, but most will simply discount it and say that there is a time and a place for great discoveries – and that is back in the warehouses where they are all neatly stacked.
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