Wednesday, December 20, 2006

RAVEN TV: Behind the Scenes...

Every week our living room here in Daytona Beach undergoes a major transformation! Over the course of several hours, the studio/set for the weekly RAVEN NATION webcast is assembled. Here is a sneak peek at what you don't see through the web cam.

A) This is where Melanie is seated just to my right and off camera. Next to her (right) is the hallogen light and in front of her is the lap top where she monitors prayer requests and any incoming information that I need to be made aware of through the chat box. On her (left) is the LCD projector that projects the same images from her laptop onto the wall (G) so that I can take an occassional glance to see who has signed on so that I can say "Hello."(B) This is the video monitor that Kayla uses to see what is coming up on the DVD player that plays the intro/outro, video clips, etc. (C) This is the main camera (D) This is where I am seated with a boom mic and an ear bud monitor for sound (E) This is the control table that Kayla is responsible for each week. On it from (L-R) sound mixer that control volume on my mic, background music, and any DVD, video; next is a CVD player (we have used as many as three for one webcast); next is the (4) channel video switch that allows us to switch from live camera feed to one of three other channels; main monitor-this is where she sees everything like you see it. (F) This is the main computer that is connected to high speed internet and receives all video and audio feeds through USB audio/video capture device.



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