Monday, June 26, 2006

San Francisco Outreach

(Above) Pastor Troy & Rudy Gonzales (Raven West Coast Director) walk along Golden Gate Dr. in San Francisco's "Tenderloin District" which is the home to rampant drug abuse, prostitution, and homelessness.
(Above) Gloria, Pastor Troy and Lori stand with two homeless men that they were able to minister to during the street ministry outreach in San Francisco.

(Above) Pastor Troy prays with a homeless drug addicted man. This man had a Bible College degree and had once been in the ministry before falling away from the Lord Jesus.

(Above) Pastor Troy lays hand on the man and prays that God would break the bondage of sin and restore his mind to him.

(Above) Pastor Troy embraces the former minister after ministering to him on the street.

(Above) Debbie (Raven West Coast) prays with a young homeless man in San Francisco.

(Above) Anthony Gonzales (Raven West Coast) with a homeless man "Rawsheekie" in San Fran

(Above) Brian Bennet (Hope Chapel) out in the "Tenderloin." Brian has such a heart for the homeless, hurting and downcast.

(Above) John (Hope Chapel) sits with a homeless man during the outreach.

(Above) the team was able to bring food and drinks to the homeless out for the San Fran outreach.

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